Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England
Book the Fourth - Index
I N D E X.

The large numerals denote the volumes; the ciphers the pages of the commentaries; and the fmall numerals the pages of the appendix.


A Batement of freehold. III. 168.
-------------------------- indietment. IV. 328.
-------------------------- nufance. III. 5.
-------------------------- writ, count, or fuit. III. 302.
--------------------------, plea in. III. 301. IV. 328. abbey-lands. II. 32. IV. 115.
--------------------------, moletting their poffeffors. IV. 115.
Abbots. I. 155.
Abbreviations. III. 323.
Abdication. I. 211. IV. 78.
Abduction of child. III. 140.
-------------------------- heirefs. IV. 208.
-------------------------- ward. III. 141.
-------------------------- wife. III. 139.
-------------------------- women. I. 443.
-------------------------- or kidnapping. IV. 219.
Abearance, good, fecurity for. IV. 248. 253.
Abeyance. II. 107.
Abigei. IV. 239.
Abjuration, oath of. I. 368.
-------------------------- of the realm. IV. 56. 124. 326. 370.
Abfolute power of the crown. I. 250.
-------------------------- property. II. 389.
-------------------------- rights and duties. I. 123.
Abftact of a fine. II. 351. xv.
Accedes ad curiam. III. 34.
Acceptance of bills. II. 468.
Acceffion, property by. II. 404.
Acceffories. IV. 35.
-------------------------- after the fact IV. 37.
-------------------------- before the fact. IV. 36.
Acceffories, when to be tried. IV. 318.
Accidents, where relieved againft. III. 431.
Accomplices, difcovery of. IV. 325.
Accord. III. 15.
Account books, when evidence. III. 368.
-------------------------- cognizable in equity. III. 437.
--------------------------, writ of. III. 462.
Accroaching royal power. IV. 76.
Ac etiam. III. 288. xviii.
Act of bankruptey. III. 477.
-------------------------- brace, how paffed. 1 183, 184
-------------------------- when pleaded. IV. 389.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 85.
--------------------------, difobedience to. IV. 122.
--------------------------, how made, I. 180.
--------------------------, it's antient form. I. 181.
-------------------------- power, i. 185.
--------------------------, private. I. 86. II. 344.
--------------------------, public. I. 85.
--------------------------, when binding on the crown. I. 261.
Action at law. III. 116.
--------------------------,chofe in. II. 397.
-------------------------- ex contractu. III. 117.
-------------------------- delicto. III. 117.
-------------------------- feodal. III. 117
-------------------------- mixed. III. 118.
-------------------------- perfonal. III. 117.
--------------------------, plea to. III. 303.
--------------------------, property in. II. 396.
-------------------------- real. III. 117.
Actual right of poffeffion. II. 196.
Additions. I. 406. III. 302. IV. 301. 328.
Adherence to the king's enemies. IV. 82.
Adjoining county, trial in. III. 383.
Adjournment of parliament. I. 186.

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admeafurement of pafture. III. 238.
Adminiftration. II. 489.
-------------------------- cum teftamento annexo. II. 504.
-------------------------- de bonis none. II. 506.
-------------------------- durante abfentia. II. 503.
-------------------------- minore aetate. II. 503.
-------------------------- limited or fpecial. II. 506.
Adminiftrator. II. 406. IV. 421.
Admiralty caufes. III. 106.
--------------------------, court of. III. 69. IV. 265.
Admiffion of a clerk. 1. 390.
Admittance to copyholds. II. 370.
Admittendum clericum, writ ad. III. 250.
Ad quod damnum, writ of. II. 271.
Advertifing for ftolen goods. IV. 133.
Adultery. I. 441. III. 139. IV. 64. 65. 191.
Advocate. III. 26.
Advocatus fifti. III. 27.
Advowfons. II. 21. IV. 419.
Acquitas fequitur legem. II. 330. III. 441.
Affectum, challenge propter. III. 363. IV. 346.
Affecrors of amercements. IV. 373.
Affidavit. III. 304.
Affinity. I. 434.
Affirmance of judgments. III. 411.
Affray. IV. 145.
Age, action fufpended by. III. 300.
-------------------------- of confent to marriage. I. 436.
-------------------------- perfons. How reckoned. I. 463. IV. 22.
Aggregate corporation. I. 469.
-------------------------- fund. I. 328.
Agiftment. II. 452.
Agnati. II. 234.
Agnus Dei, &c. IV. 115.
Agriculture, it's original. II. 7.
Aid-prayer. III. 299.
Aids, feodal. II. 63. 87. IV. 411.
--------------------------, parliamentary. I. 307.
Air, right to. II. 14.
Albinatus, jus. I. 372. 374.
Alderman. I. 116.
Alderney, ifland of. I. 106.
Alehoufes. IV. 64. 168.
Alfred, his dome-book. I. 64. IV. 404.
Alias writ. III. 283. xv. IV. 314.
Alienation. II. 287.
--------------------------, fine for. II. 71. IV. 411.
--------------------------, forfeiture by. II. 268.
Alien-priories, i. 386. IV. 122.
Aliens. I. 366. 372. II. 249. 274. 293. IV. 111.
-------------------------- duty, I. 316. 372. 374.
Alimony. I. 441. III. 94.
Allegation. III. 100.
Allegiance. I. 366. IV. 74.
--------------------------, local. I. 370
--------------------------, natural. I. 369.
--------------------------, oath of. I. 367. IV. 270.
--------------------------, refufing it. IV. 116.
--------------------------, withdrawing from. IV. 87.
Allodial property. II. 47. 60.
Allodium. II. 105.
Allowance of franchife. III. 263.
-------------------------- pardons. IV. 394.
-------------------------- to bankrupts. II. 483.
Alluvion. II. 261.
Almanac, it's authority. III. 333.
Alteration of deeds. II. 308.
Amended bill in equity. III. 448.
Amendments at law. III. 406. IV. 432.
Amercement. II. xix. Iii. 376. III. v. vi. xxiv. Xxvi. IV. 372. 416.
--------------------------, action for. III. 159.
American colonies. I. 106.
Anceftor. II. 209.
Anceftors, how numerous. II. 203.
Anceftrol actions. III. 186.
Animals, lareiny of. IV. 235.
--------------------------, property in. II. 5.
Animus furandi. IV. 230. 232.
--------------------------revertendi. II. 392.
Annual parliaments. I. 153.
Annuities. II. 40.
Annulum et baculum, inveftiture per. I. 378.
Annus luctus. I. 457.
Anfwer in chancery. III. 446.
-------------------------- upon oath. III. 100.
Antient demefne. I. 286. II. 99.
Apoftacy. IV. 43.
Apparel, excefs in. IV. 171.
Apparent, heir. Ii. 208.
-------------------------- right of poffeffion. II. 196.
Appeal by approvers. IV. 324.
-------------------------- how differing from writ of error. III. 55.
-------------------------- of arfon. IV. 310.
-------------------------- death. IV. 310. 417.
-------------------------- felony. IV. 310.
-------------------------- larceny. IV. 310.
-------------------------- mayhem. IV. 310.
-------------------------- rape. IV. 310.
-------------------------- treafon. IV. 310.
--------------------------, profecution by. IV. 308. 417.
-------------------------- to parliament. III. 454.
-------------------------- Rome. IV. 114. 414.
Appearance to actions. III. 200.
Appellee on approvement. IV. 324.
Appendant, advowfons. II. 22.

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appendant, common, Ii. 33.
Appointment to charitable ufes. II. 376.
Appraifement, commiffion of. III. 262.
Apprentices. I. 426. 427. IV. 160.
Apprenticii ad legem. III. 27.
Appropriations. I. 384.
Approvement in felony and treafon. IV. 324.
-------------------------- of commons. II. 34. III. 240.
Approvers. IV. 324.
--------------------------, compelling prifoners to become. IV. 129.
Appurtenant, common. II. 33.
Arbitrary confecrations of tithes. I. 112. II. 26.
Arbitration. III. 16.
Archibifhop. I. 155. 377.
Archdeacon. I. 383.
--------------------------, his court. III. 64.
Archdeaconry. I. 111.
Arches court. III. 64.
-------------------------- dean of. III. 65.
Arcopagus, court of. III. 354. IV. 169. 342.
Ariftocracy. I. 49.
Armed, being unufually, IV. 148.
Armies. I. 262.
-------------------------- ftanding. I. 413. IV. 412. 432. 434.
Armorial enfigns. II. 428. III. 105.
Armour, &c. embezzling the king's. IV. 101.
--------------------------, ftatutes of. I. 410.
Arms and ammunition, exporting them. I. 263.
--------------------------, right of having. I. 143.
Arraignment. IV. 317. iii.
--------------------------, incidents to. IV. 319.
Array, challenge to. III. 359. IV. 346.
--------------------------, commiffion of. I. 410.
Arreft of judgment. III. 393. xi. IV. 368.
-------------------------- perfons. III. 288. IV. 286.
-------------------------- feamen and foldiers. l. 421.
Arfon. IV. 220. 366.
--------------------------, appeal of. IV. 310.
Artieles of the navy. I. 420.
-------------------------- war. I. 415.
Artificers. I. 406.
--------------------------, refiding abroad. IV. 160.
--------------------------, tranfporting them. IV. 160.
As, Roman, divifions of. II. 462.
Afcendants excluded from inheriting. II. 210.
Afportation. IV. 231.
Affault. III. 120. IV. 145. 216.
--------------------------, cofts in actions for. III. 400.
Affembly of eftates. I. 147.
--------------------------, ritous or unlawfyul. IV. 146.
Affenfu patris, dower ex. II. 132.
Affeffments. I. 312.
Affets. II. 510.
-------------------------- by defcent, or real. II. 244. 302.
-------------------------- perfonal. II. 510.
Affignees of bankrupt. II. 480.
Affignment of bankrupts effects. II. 485.
-------------------------- dower. II. 135.
-------------------------- errors. III. xv.
-------------------------- eftate. II. 326.
Affigns. II. 289.
Afafe, commiffion of. III. 59. IV. 266. 417.
--------------------------, court of. III. 57.
--------------------------, general. I. 148.
--------------------------, grand. III. 341. 351. v. IV. 415.
--------------------------, juftices of. III. 58.
--------------------------, killing them. IV. 84.
-------------------------- of arms. II. 66.
-------------------------- bread, breaking. IV. 157.
--------------------------, rent of. II. 42.
--------------------------, writ of. III. 184. IV. 415.
Affumpfit, experfs. III. a157.
--------------------------, implied. III. 161.
Affurances, common. II. 294.
--------------------------, covenant for farther. II. xi.
Attachment againft witneffes. III. 369.
-------------------------- for contempts. IV. 280.
-------------------------- in chancery. III. 443. 444.
--------------------------, with proclamations. III. 444.
--------------------------, writ of. III. 280. xiii.
Attachments, court of. III. 71.
Attainder. II. 251. IV. 373.
--------------------------, act of. IV. 256.
Attaint. Grand. Jury in. III. 351.
--------------------------, writ of. III. 402. IV. 354.
Attainted perfons. II. 290. IV 373.
Attempt to rob. IV. 242.
-------------------------- fteal fifh. IV. 235.
Atteftation of deeds.II. 307. I. iii. xii. Xiii..
-------------------------- devifes. II. 376.
Attorney at law. III. 25.
--------------------------, action againft. III. 164.
Attorney-general. III. 27.
--------------------------, information by. III. 261. 427. IV. 304.
Attornment. II. 72. 288.
Aubaine, droit de. I. 372.
Audita quercla, writ of. III. 404.
Auditors in account. III. 163.
Averium. II. 424.
Averment. III. 308. 312. IV. 334.
Augnientation of vicarages and curacies. I. 388.
Aula regia, or regie. III. 37. IV. 409. 415.
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aulnager. I. 275.
Avowry. III. 149.
Aurum reginae. I. 221.
Auter droit. II. 177.
Auterfoits acquit. IV. 329.
-------------------------- attaint. IV. 330.
-------------------------- convict. IV. 330.
Auter vie, tenant pur. II. 120.
Authorities in law. I. 72.
Award. III. 16.
Ayle, writ of. III. 186.


Bachelor, knight. I. 404.
Backing wafrants. IV. 288.
Bail above. III. 290.
-------------------------- below. III. 291.
--------------------------, common. III. 287.
-------------------------- exceffive. I. 135. IV. 294.
-------------------------- in criminal cafes. IV. 294.
-------------------------- error. III. 410.
--------------------------, refufing. IV. 294.
--------------------------, fpecial. III. 287. xix.
--------------------------, taking infufficient. IV. 294.
-------------------------- to the action. III. 290.
-------------------------- fheriff. III. 290.
Bailable or not, who. IV. 294, 5, 6.
Bail-bond. III. 290. xix.
Bailiffs. I. 345. 427.
-------------------------- of hundreds. I. 115. 345.
Bailiwick. I. 344. II. 37.
Bailment. II. 394. 452.
Bail-piece. III. 291. xx.
Ballot for jurors. III. 358.
Balncarii. IV. 239.
Banifhment. I. 137. IV. 370. 394.
Bank. I. 326.
Bankrupt. II. 471. IV. 424. 429.
Bankruptey. II. 285. 471.
--------------------------, cognizance of. III. 428.
--------------------------, fraudulent. IV. 156.
Banneret, knight. I. 404.
Banns. I. 439.
Bar of dower. II. 136.
--------------------------, plea in. III. 306. IV. 329. 389.
--------------------------, trial at. III. 352.
Bargain and fale of lands. II. 338. ii.
Baron. I. 399.
-------------------------- and feme. I. 433.
Baronet. I. 404.
Baronies II. 62. 91.
-------------------------- of bifhops. I. 156.
Barretry. IV. 133.
Barrifters. I. 23. III. 26.
Bafe fees. II. 109.
-------------------------- fervices. II. 61.
-------------------------- tenants. II. 148.
Baftard. I. 454.
--------------------------, adminiftration to II. 505.
--------------------------, concealment of it's death. IV. 198. 352.
-------------------------- eigne. II. 248.
--------------------------, incapacity of. I _ 459.
--------------------------, maintenance of. I. 458.
--------------------------, punifhment for having. IV. 65.
Bath, knight of the. I. 404.
Battle, trial by. III. 337. iii. IV. 340. 411. 414. 417.
Battery. III. 120. IV. 216.
--------------------------, infpection of. III. 333.
-------------------------- of a elergyman. IV. 217.
-------------------------- fervant. III. 142.
Bawdy-houfes. IV. 29. 64. 168.
Beaconage, fuit for. III. 108.
Beacons. I. 264.
Behaviour, good, fecurity for. IV. 248. 251. 395.
Beheading IV. 92. 370.
Benefices. IV. 106.
Benefit of clergy. IV. 358. 406. 422. 434.
Benevolence, compulfive. I. 140. IV. 429.
Berwick. I. 98.
--------------------------, part of England. I. 99.
Befayle, writ of. III. 186.
Bigamy. IV. 163.
Bill for patents. &c. II. 347.
-------------------------- in equity. III. 442.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 181.
-------------------------- of exceptions. III. 372.
Exchange. II. 466.
-------------------------- indictment. IV. 299.
Middlefex. III. 285. xviii.
-------------------------- privilege. III. 289.
-------------------------- rights. I. 128. IV. 433.
-------------------------- or note, forging. IV. 246.
--------------------------,ftealing. IV. 234.
Billa vera. IV. 301.
Bifhop. I. 155. 377. 401.
--------------------------, certificate of. III. 335.
--------------------------, not electing or confecrating. IV. 115.
--------------------------, right of, to try or be tried, as a peer. IV. 261, 262.
Bifhopricks, nomination to. I. 378. IV. 107. 408. 423.
Biffextile year. II. 141.
Black act. IV. 144. 208. 232. 244.
-------------------------- lead, ftealing of. IV. 234.

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black maile. II. 43. IV. 243.
Blanch rent. II. 42.
Blafphemy. IV. 59.
Blench-holding. II. 42.
Blood corrupted. II. 251. IV. 381.
-------------------------- inheritable. II. 246.
-------------------------- of the firft purchafors. II. 220.
-------------------------- royal. I. 225.
-------------------------- whole and half. II. 227.
Body corporate. I. 467.
--------------------------, how protected. I. 134.
-------------------------- politic. I. 467.
Boiling to death. IV. 196.
Bona notabilia. II. 509.
-------------------------- vacantia. I. 298.
Bond. II. 340. xiii. III. xix. IV. 435.
-------------------------- of arbitration. III. 16.
-------------------------- tenants. II. 148.
Bona et malo, writ de. IV. 267.
Book of rates. I. 316.
Book-land. II. 90.
Books and papers, production of. III. 382.
--------------------------, popifh, importing or felling them. IV. 115.
Borough. I. 114. Ii. 82.
-------------------------- courts. III. 80.
-------------------------- Englifh. I. 75. Ii. 83.
Borrowing. II. 454.
Borfholder. I. 114. 356. IV. 406.
Botes. II. 35.
Bottomry. II. 458.
Bound bailiffs. I. 345.
Bounties on exportation. I. 315.
Bourdeaux, mayor of, his certificate. III. 334.
Bracton. I. 72. IV. 418.
Branding, in the hand or face. IV. 360. 370.
Breach of clofe. III. 209.
-------------------------- covenant. III. 155.
-------------------------- duty, action for. III. 163.
-------------------------- peace. IV. 142.
-------------------------- pound. III. 146.
-------------------------- prifon. IV. 130.
Brehon law in Ireland. I. 100.
Brevia teftata. II. 307.
Bribery in elections. I. 178.
-------------------------- magiftrates. IV. 139.
Bridges. I. 357. IV. 417.
--------------------------, annoyances in. IV. 167.
Britifh conftitution. I. 50.
-------------------------- iflands. I. 104.
Britous, antient, their laws. I. 65. IV. 401.
Britton. I. 72. III. 407. IV. 420.
Brothels, frequenting. IV. 64.
Brothels, keeping. IV 29. 64. 168.
Bubbles. IV. 117.
Buggery. IV. 215.
Bulles, papal. IV. 109. 110.
Burgage, tenure in. II. 82. IV. 412.
Burgeffes in parliament, their election. I. 173.
Burglary. IV. 223.
Burial charges. II. 508.
-------------------------- of felo de fe. IV. 190.
Burning in the hand. IV. 360. 370. iv.
--------------------------, malicious. IV. 243. 4, 5-
-------------------------- to death. IV. 93. 204. 216. 222. 370. 401.
Butlerage. I. 314.
By-laws. I. 475.
--------------------------, action on. III. 159.


Calais, captain of, his certificate. III. 334.
Calendar of prifoners. IV. 396.
Calling the plaintiff. III. 376.
Cadelling deeds. II. 309.
-------------------------- wills. II. 502.
Canonical obedience. IV. 106. 112. 204.
-------------------------- purgation. III. 342. IV. 361.
Canon law. I. 14. 19. 79. 82, 83. IV. 414. 415.
Canons of a church. I. 383.
-------------------------- inheritance. II. 208.
-------------------------- 1603. i. 83.
Capacity of guilt. IV. 20.
-------------------------- to purchafe of convey. II. 290.
Capias ad audiendum judicium. IV. 368.
-------------------------- refpondendum. III. 281. xiv. IV. 314. 422. iii.
-------------------------- fatisfaciendum. III. 414. xxvi.
-------------------------- in withernam. III. 129. 148. 413.
-------------------------- pro fine. III. 398.
--------------------------utlagatum. III. 284 xvii. IV. 315.
Capiatur, judgment quod. III. 398. xii.
Capita, diftribution per. II. 517.
--------------------------, fucceffions per. II. 218.
Capital punifhment. IV. 9. 18. 237. 370. 406. 434.
Capite, tenants in. II. 60.
Captives. II. 402.
Captures at fea. II. 401.
Caput lupinum. IV. 315.
Carnal knowledge of infants. IV. 212.
Carrier, action againft. III. 164.
Cart-bote. II. 35.
Cafe, action on. III. 51. 122. IV 435.

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Cafe referved at nifi prius. III. 378.
-------------------------- ftated out of chancery. III. 453.
Caftigatory for fcolds. IV. 169.
Caftration. IV. 206.
Cafu confimili, writ in. III. 51.
-------------------------- provifo, writ of entry in. III. 183.
Cafual ejector. III. 202. vii.
Cattle, malicious killing or maiming. IV. 243, 4.
--------------------------, owner anfwerable for, III. 153. 211. IV. 197.
Coveat. III. 98. 246.
Caufes of demurrer. III. 315. xxiv.
Centenaries. I. 115.
Cetumviri. III. 315.
Cepi corpus. III. 288. xv. Xviii. Xix.
Certificate for cofts. III. 214.
-------------------------- into chancery. III. 453.
-------------------------- of bankrupt. II. 482.
-------------------------- poor. I. 364.
--------------------------, trial by. III. 333.
Certiorari facias. IV. 259. 262. 269. 315.
Ceffavit, writ of. III. 232.
Ceffie bonoram. II. 473. 483.
Ceffion of a benefree. I. 392.
Cefiuy que truft. II. 328.
-------------------------- vie. II. 123.
-------------------------- fue. II. 328.
Chains, hanging in. IV. 202.
Challenge of jury. III. 359. IV. 346.
-------------------------- to fight. IV. 149.
Champerty. IV. 134.
Champions in trial by battle. III. 339. iv.
Chance. IV. 26.
Chancellor, his name and office. III. 47.
--------------------------, killing him. IV. 84.
--------------------------, lord. III. 46.
-------------------------- of a diocefe. I. 382.
-------------------------- the duchy of Lancafter. III. 78.
-------------------------- exchequer. III. 44.
-------------------------- univerfity, his court. III. 83.
Chance-medley. IV. 184.
Chancery, court of. III. 46. IV. 429.
Chapters. I. 382.
Charge to grand jury. IV. 300.
Charitable ufes. II. 273. 376.
--------------------------, commiffion of. III. 428.
Charities, cognizance of. III. 427.
--------------------------, informations for. III. 427.
Charter. II. 195.
Charter of the king. II. 346.
Charter-governments in America. I. 108.
Charter-land. Ii. 90.
Chafe. II. 38. 416. IV. 408.
--------------------------, beafts of. II. 38. 415.
Chaftity, homicide in defence of. IV. 181.
Chattels. II. 385.
-------------------------- perfonal. II. 387.
-------------------------- real. II. 386.
Chaud- medley. IV. 184.
Cheat, action againft. III. 164.
Cheating. IV. 157.
-------------------------- at play. IV. 173.
Chefter, county palatine of. I. 116.
--------------------------, courts of. III. 78.
Chevifance. II. 474.
Chichele, Archbifhop, vindicated. IV. 113.
Chief baron of the exchequer. III. 44.
-------------------------- juftices. III. 40, 41.
-------------------------- jufticiary, or England. III. 38. IV. 409.
-------------------------- rents. II. 42.
--------------------------, tenants in. II. 60.
Children, their duties. I. 453.
Chirograph. II. 206.
-------------------------- of a fine. II. xv.
Chivalry, court of. III. 68. IV. 264.
--------------------------, it's jurifdiction. III. 103. IV. 264.
--------------------------, guardian in. i. 462.
--------------------------, tenure in. II. 62.
Chofe in action. II. 397.
--------------------------, how affigned. II. 442. IV. 434.
-------------------------- poffeffion. II. 389.
Chriftian, courts. III. 64.
Chriftianity. Offences againft. IV. 44.
-------------------------- part of the law of England. IV. 59.
Church, marriage in. i. 439.
--------------------------, offences againft. IV. 50.
--------------------------, or churchyard, affrays irr. IV. 145.
-------------------------- rate. I. 395. III. 92.
--------------------------, repairs of. III. 92.
Churchwardens. I. 394.
Cinque ports, courts of. III. 79.
Circuits. III. 58. IV. 415. 417.
Circumftantial evidence. III. 371.
Citation. III. 100.
Citizens in parliament, their electors. I. 173.
City. I. 114.
Civil corporations. I. 470.
-------------------------- death. II. 121.
-------------------------- injuries. III. 2.
-------------------------- law. I. 14. 19. 79. 81. 83. IV. 414. 415.

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Civil law, it's ftudy forbidden. I. 19.
-------------------------- liberty. I. 6. 125. 251.
-------------------------- lift. I 330. IV. 433.
-------------------------- ftate. I. 396.
-------------------------- fubjection. IV. 28.
Clarendon, conftitutions of. IV. 415.
Claufum fregit. III. 209.
Clearing contempts in chancery. III. 445.
Clementine conftitutions. I. 82.
Clergy. I. 376.
-------------------------- averfe to the common law. I. 19, 20.
--------------------------, benefit. Of. IV. 358. 406. 422. 434.
--------------------------, plea of. IV. 327.
--------------------------; prayer of. IV. iv.
clergymen, beating them. IV. 217.
Cherical habit and tonfure. IV. 360.
Clerico admittendo, writ de. III. 413.
Clerk in office i. 17.
-------------------------- orders. I. 388.
-------------------------- of the market, his court. IV 272.
Clients. III. 28.
Clipping the coin. IV. 90.
Cloaths, malicious deftroying of. IV. 244.
Coat-armour. II. 306. III. 105.
Code of Juftinian. I. 81.
Codieil. II. 500.
Cognati. II. 234.
Cognizance, claim of. III. 300. IV. 275.
-------------------------- de aroit, come ceo, &c, fine jur. II. 352.
--------------------------, tantum, fine fur. II 353.
-------------------------- in replevin. III. 149.
-------------------------- of pleas. II. 37.
-------------------------- wrongs. III. 86.
Cognizee of a fine. II. 351.
-------------------------- recognizance. II. 341.
Cognizor of a fine. II. 350.
-------------------------- recognizance. II. 341.
Cognovit actionem. III. 304. 397.
Coin, falfifying, &c IV. 84. 88. 90. 98. 120.
-------------------------- felonies and mifdemefnors relating to. IV. 98.
-------------------------- treafons relating to. IV. 84. 88. 90.
Coinage, inftruments of, treafon relative to. IV. 90.
--------------------------, right of. I. 277.
Coke, fir Edward. I. 72, 73.
Collateral confanguinity. II. 204.
-------------------------- defcent. II. 220.
-------------------------- iffue. IV. 389. v.
collateral warranty. II. 301.
Collatio honorum. II. 517.
Collation to a benefice. I. 391.
Collative advowfons. II. 22.
Collecting the goods of teh deceafes. II. 510.
Colleges. I. 471.
--------------------------, their vifitor. I. 482.
Collegia in the civil law. 1. 469.
Colligendum bona defuncti, letters ad. II. 505.
Colonies. I. 106. II. 7.
Colour in pleading. III. 309.
Combinations. IV. 159.
Combuftio domorum. IV. 366.
Commenda. I. 393. IV. 107.
Commerce, king the arbiter of. I. 273.
Commiffion of bankrupt. II. 480.
-------------------------- lunacy. I. 305.
-------------------------- the peace. I. 351.
-------------------------- to examine witneffes. III. 438. 449.
-------------------------- take anfwers in equity. III. 447.
Commitment of bankrupt. II. 481.
-------------------------- perfons accufed. IV. 293.
Committee of council. I. 231.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 182.
-------------------------- lunatic. I. 305.
Common appendant. II. 33.
-------------------------- appurtenant. II. 33.
-------------------------- bail. III. 287.
-------------------------- barretor. IV. 133.
-------------------------- becaufe of vicinage. II. 33.
-------------------------- bench. Court of. III. 37.
--------------------------, juftices of, killing them. IV. 84.
--------------------------, difturbance of. III. 237.
--------------------------, eftate in. II. 191. 390.
-------------------------- farrier, &c, action againft. III. 164.
-------------------------- form, proof of will in II. 508.
-------------------------- in grofs. II. 34.
-------------------------- informer. III. 160.
-------------------------- jury. III. 358.
-------------------------- law. I. 63. 67. IV. 404. 405.
--------------------------, corporation by. I. 472.
--------------------------, dower by. II. 132.
--------------------------, guardian by. I. 401.
-------------------------- nufance. IV. 167.
-------------------------- of eftovers. II. 35.
-------------------------- paflure. II. 32.
-------------------------- pifeary. II. 34.
-------------------------- turbary. II. 34.
-------------------------- pleas. III. 40.
--------------------------, court of. III. 37.

111 2         Common,
. P-08.
I N D E X.

Common pleas, court of, fixed at Weftminfter. I. 22. 23. IV. 417.
-------------------------- prayer book, reviling of. IV. 50.
-------------------------- recovery. III. 182. 193. IV. 422.
-------------------------- right of. II. 32.
-------------------------- fans nombre. III. 239.
-------------------------- fcold. IV. 169.
-------------------------- feal. I. 475.
--------------------------, furcharge of. III. 237.
--------------------------, tenant in, of lands. II. 191. vi.
-------------------------- chattels perfonal. II. 399.
-------------------------- vouchee II. 359. xviii, xix.
-------------------------- ways. II. 35.
-------------------------- without ftint. II. 34.
Commonalty. I. 403.
Commons, houfe of. I. 158.
Commonwealth, offences againft. IV. 127.
Commorancy. IV. 270.
Communem legem, writ of entry ad. III. 183.
Communion of goods. II. 3.
Commutation of penance. IV. 105. 217. 273.
Compact. I. 45.
Compaffing the death of the king, &c. IV. 76.
Compenfatie. III. 305.
Competent witneffes. III. 370.
Compofition real for tithes. II. 28.
-------------------------- with creditors. II. 484.
Compound larceny. IV. 240.
Compounding felony. IV. 133.
-------------------------- other profecutions. IV. 135.
Compulfion. IV. 27.
Compurgators. III. 342. 343. IV. 361. 407.
Concealment from the crown. IV. 429.
-------------------------- of baftard's death. IV. 198. 352.
Conceffit, fine fur. II. 353.
Conclufion of deeds. II. 304. i. iii. xii.
-------------------------- pleas. III. 303.
Concord in a fine. II. 350. xiv.
Condition. II. 293. viii.
--------------------------, breach of. II. 281.
--------------------------, eftate on. II. 152.
-------------------------- in deed. II. 155.
-------------------------- law. II. 154. 155.
-------------------------- of a bond. II. 340. xiii. III. xx.
Conditional fees. II. 110.
-------------------------- pardon. IV. 394.
Confefs and avoid. III. 309.
Confeffion of action. III. 302. 397.
Confeffion of indictment. IV. 324.
Confeffo, bill taken pro. III. 444. 445.
Confinement to the realm. I. 265.
Confirmation of bifhops. I. 378. 380. IV. 115.
-------------------------- lands. II. 325.
Confifcation. I. 299. IV. 370.
Confufion, property by. II 405.
Conge d'eflire. I. 379. 382. IV. 414.
Conjugal rights, reftitution of. III. 94.
--------------------------, fubtraction of. III. 94.
Conjuration. IV. 60. 429.
Conqueft, Norman. I. 199. IV. 407, 408.
-------------------------- or acquifition. II. 48. 242.
-------------------------- victory. I. 103. 107.
Confanguineus frater. II. 232.
Confanguinity. I. 434. II. 202.
--------------------------, table of. II. 203.
Confcience, courts of. III. 81. IV. 434.
Confecration of bifhops. I. 380. IV. 115.
Confequential damages, action for. III. 153.
Confervators of the peace. I. 350. IV. 406. 424.
-------------------------- truce and fafe-conducts. IV. 69.
Confideration of contracts. II. 443.
-------------------------- deeds. II. 296. ii. iv.
confideratum eft per curiam. III. 396.
Confilium, or imparlance. IV. 349.
Confimili cafu, writ of entry in. III. 183.
Confiftory court. III. 64.
Confort, queen. I. 219.
Confpiracy. IV. 136.
--------------------------, action of. III. 126.
Conftable. I. 355. IV. 289.
--------------------------, high. I. 115.
--------------------------, lord high. I. 355. IV. 265.
-------------------------- , his court. III. 68. IV. 264.
Conftruction of deeds and wills. II. 379.
-------------------------- ftatutes. I. 87.
Conftructive treafon. IV. 75. 85.
Confuctudinibus et fervitiis, writ de. III. 232.
Confultation, writ of. III. 114.
Confummate, tenant by curtefy. II. 128.
Contempt againft the king. IV. 121.
-------------------------- in courts of equity. III. 443.
-------------------------- law. IV. 280.
Contentious jurifdiction. III. 66.
Conteftatio litis. III. 297.
Contingent legacy. II. 513.
-------------------------- remainder. II. 169.
-------------------------- , truftees to fupport. II. 171. v.
-------------------------- ufes. II. 334.
Continual claim. II. 316. III. 175.
Continuances. III. 316. iv. xi. xxii. xxiv. xxv.

. P-09.
I N D E X.

Continuande in trefpafs. III. 212.
Contract. II. 442.
-------------------------- , action on. III. 117.
-------------------------- , exprefs. III. 153.
-------------------------- , implied. III. 158.
-------------------------- of marriage. I. 439.
-------------------------- , fuit for. III. 93.
-------------------------- , original, between king and people. I. 233.
-------------------------- fimple. II. 465.
-------------------------- fpecial. II. 465.
Contractu, action ex. III. 117.
Convention of eftates. I. 151, 152.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 152.
Conventional eftates for life. II. 120.
Converfion. III. 152.
Conveyances. II. 9. 293. 309. IV. 423.
Conviction. IV. 355.
-------------------------- fummary. IV. 277.
Convocation. I. 279.
-------------------------- , court of bifhops in. III.67.
coparceners. II. 187.
Copper coin, counterfeiting. IV. 100.
Copy of indictment. IV. 345.
-------------------------- record of indictment. III. 126.
Copyhold. II. 95. 147. IV. 432.
-------------------------- for life. II. 97.
-------------------------- not liable to elegit. III. 419.
-------------------------- of frank tenure. II. 100. 149.
-------------------------- inheritance. II. 97.
Copyrights. II. 407.
Corn rents. II. 322.
Cornage, tenure by. II. 74.
Corody. I. 283. II. 40.
Coronation oath, antient. I. 236.
-------------------------- , modern. I. 235.
Coronatore eligendo, writ de. I. 347.
-------------------------- exonerando, writ de. I. 348.
Coroner. I. 346. IV. 289. 406.
-------------------------- , his court. IV. 271.
Corporate counties. I. 119.
-------------------------- name. I. 474.
Corporation. I. 467. II. 430.
-------------------------- act. IV. 57. 432.
-------------------------- , courts of. III. 80.
-------------------------- , it's diffolution. I. 484.
-------------------------- duties. I. 479.
-------------------------- incidents and powers. I. 477.
-------------------------- lands, if diffolves. II. 256.
-------------------------- privileges and difabilities. I. 476.
Corporeal hereditaments. II. 17.
Corpfe, ftealing of. II. 429. IV. 236.
Corpus juris cononici. I. 82.
Corpus juris civilis. I. 81.
Correction, houfe of. IV. 370.
-------------------------- of apprentices. I. 428.
-------------------------- children. I.452, 453. IV. 182.
-------------------------- fcholars. I. 453. IV. 182.
-------------------------- fervants. I. 428. IV. 182.
-------------------------- wife. I. 444.
Corruption of blood. II. 251. IV. 381. 406. 431. 433.
Corfeprefent. II. 425.
Corfned, trial by. IV. 339. 407
Cofinage ,writ of. III. 186.
Cofts. II. 439. III. 399. xii. Xxvi.
-------------------------- in equity. III. 451.
-------------------------- , no more than damages. III. 400.
-------------------------- on not going to trial. III. 357.
Cottages. IV. 168.
Covenant. III. 155.
-------------------------- in a deed. II. 304. viii. x.
-------------------------- real. III. 156.
-------------------------- to ftand feifed to ufes. II. 338.
-------------------------- , writ of. II. 350. xiv. III. 156.
Covert-baron. I. 442.
Coverture. I. 442.
Councils of the king. I. 227.
Counfel. III. 26.
--------------------------, action againft. III. 164.
-------------------------- for prifoners. IV. 349.
-------------------------- , king's. III. 27.
-------------------------- , when filenced. III. 29.
Count. I. 116. 398.
-------------------------- in declaration. III. 293. 295.
Counterfeiting the king's coin. IV. 84. 88.
-------------------------- feals. IV. 83. 89.
Counterpart. II. 296.
Country, trial by the. III. 349. IV. 342.
County. I. 166. IV. 404.
-------------------------- court. I. 377. III. 35. IV. 404. 407. 409. 413. 415. 417. 434.
-------------------------- of Middlefex. III. 82.
Palatine. I. 166. IV. 424.
Court. I. 267. III. 23. IV. 255. 407.
-------------------------- baron. II. 91. III. 33. IV. 404.
-------------------------- chriftian. III. 64.
-------------------------- hand. III. 323.
-------------------------- leet. IV. 270. 404. 417.
-------------------------- martial. I. 414.
-------------------------- , power to erect. I. 267. III. 24.
Courts, profits of. I. 289.
Craven. III. 340. IV. 342.
Credible witnefs. III. 370.
Crimes. IV. 1, 2. 5.
Criminal converfation. III. 139.
-------------------------- law. IV. 2.
Crofs bill. III. 448.

. P-10.
I N D E X.

Crofs caufes. III. 451.
-------------------------- remainder. II. 381.
-------------------------- , fign of, in deeds. II. 305.
Crown, defcent of the. I. 191. IV. 406.
-------------------------- office. IV. 262. 304.
-------------------------- pleas of the. IV. 2.
Cucking-ftool. IV. 169.
Cui ante divortium, writ of. III. 183.
Cui in vita, writ of. III. 183.
Cul. Prit. IV. 333.
Curate. I. 393.
-------------------------- , his falary. III. 90.
Curator of infants, &c. i. 460.
Curators viarum. I. 358.
Curfeu. IV. 412. 413.
Curialitas. II. 126.
Curfing. IV. 59.
Curtefy, tenant by. II. 126.
Cuftody of idiots and lunatics. I. 303. III. 427.
-------------------------- temporalties. I. 282. IV. 414.
Cuftom. II. 263. 422.
-------------------------- affurances by. II. 365.
-------------------------- dower by. II. 132.
-------------------------- , general. I. 68. 73.
-------------------------- , heriot. II. 422.
-------------------------- of London, how tried. III. 334.
-------------------------- , particular. I. 74.
-------------------------- , how allowed. I. 78.
-------------------------- , when legal. I. 76.
Cuftomary freehold. II. 100. 149.
-------------------------- tenant. II. 147.
Cuftoms on merchandize. I. 313.
Cuftos rotulorum. I. 349. IV. 269.
Cutpurfes. IV. 241.


Damage to things perfonal. III. 152.
Damage-feafant. III. 6.
Damages. II. 438.
Dane-lage. I. 65. IV. 405.
Darrein prejentment, affife of. III. 245.
Date of a deed. II. 304. i. iii. xii. Xiii.
Day in bank. III. 277.
-------------------------- court. III. 316.
-------------------------- of grace. III. 278.
De bene effe. III. 383.
De la plus belle, dower. II. 132.
Deacon. I. 388.
Dead man's part. II. 518.
Deadly feud. IV. 243.
Deaf, dumb, and blind. I. 304. II. 497.
Dean and chapter. I. 382.
Dean, rural. I. 383.
Deanry, rural. I. 111.
Death, appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- , civil. I. 132.
-------------------------- , judgment of. IV. iv.
dehet et detinet, action in. III. 155.
Debt. II. 464. III. 153.
-------------------------- , action of. III. 154. xiii.
-------------------------- , on amercement. III. 159.
-------------------------- by-law. III. 159.
-------------------------- judgment. III. 158, 159. 421.
-------------------------- penal ftatutes. III. 159.
-------------------------- , information of. III. 261.
-------------------------- , public. I. 325. IV. 434.
Debtec executor,. III. 18.
Debtor, refufing to difcover his effects. IV. 156.
Debts. Priority of. II. 511.
Deceit, action of. III. 165.
-------------------------- on the cafe, in nature of. III. 166.
Deceunary. I. 114. IV. 249.
Deception of the king in his grants. I. 246.
Decifive oath. III. 342.
Declaration. III. 293. vii. x. xxi.
Declaratory part of a law. I. 54.
-------------------------- ftatute. I. 86.
Declinatory plea. IV. 327. 359.
Decrec in equity. III. 451.
Decretals. I. 82.
Decretum Gratiani. I. 82.
Dedimus poteft item. II. 351. III. 447.
Deed. II. 295.
Deed-poll. II. 296.
Deeds, ftealing of. IV. 234.
Deerftealing. IV. 235.
-------------------------- in difguife. IV. 144.
Default, judgment by. III. 296. 395.
Defeazance, deed of. II. 327. 342.
Defectum, challenge propter. III. 362. IV. 346.
Defence. II. xviii. III. 296. iii. v. x. xxii.
Defendant. III. 25.
Defenfive allegation. III. 100.
Deforeement. III. 172.
Deforcaint. II. 350. xv. Xvi. III. 174.
Definitive fentence. III. 101.
Degradation of peers. I. 403.
Degrees, conferred by the archbifhop. I. 381.
-------------------------- in writs of entry. III. 181.
-------------------------- of confanguinity. II. 206.
-------------------------- , how reckoned. II. 206, 207. 224.
-------------------------- of guilt. IV. 34.

. P-11.
I N D E X.

Debors, matter. III. 387. IV. 383.
Delay of the law. III. 423.
Delegates, court of. III. 66. 69.
-------------------------- , in academicals caufes. III. 85.
Delictum, challenge propter. III. 363. IV. 346.
Delivery of a deed. II. 306. iii. xii. xiii.
Demand of lands. II. xviii.
Demandant and tenant. II. xviii.
Demefne lands. II. 90.
Demefnes of the crown. I. 286.
Demi-mark, tender of. III. v.
Demife of the crown. I. 188. 249.
Demi-vills. I. 114.
Democracy. I. 49.
Demurrer. III. 314. xxiii.
-------------------------- book, III. 317.
-------------------------- in equity. III. 446.
-------------------------- to evidence. III. 373.
-------------------------- indictment. IV. 327.
Denial of rent. III. 170.
Denizen. I. 374. II. 240.
Deodand. I. 300.
Departure in pleading. III. 310.
Depopulation agrorum. IV. 366.
Depofitions. III. 383.
-------------------------- in chancery. III. 449.
-------------------------- ecclefiaftical courts. III. 100.
Deprivation. I. 393.
Derelict lands. II. 261.
Dereliction of property. II. 9.
Derivative conveyances. II. 324.
Defcender, writ of formedon in. III. 192.
Defcent of lands. II. 201. IV. 406. 414.
-------------------------- the crown. I. 193. IV. 406.
-------------------------- , collateral. I. 194.
-------------------------- , lineal. I. 193.
-------------------------- , rules of. II. 208.
-------------------------- , table of. II. 240.
Defertion. IV. 101.
Derainer, forcible III. 179. IV. 147.
-------------------------- , unlawful. III. 150.
Determinable freehold. II. 121.
Determination of will. II. 146.
Detinue, action of. III. 151.
Devaftation. II. 508.
Devife. II. 373. IV. 423.
Devifee, liable to debts of devifor. II. 278.
Die, eat fine. III. 316. 399.
Diet, excefs in. IV. 171.
Diets. I. 147.
Digefts. I. 81.
Dignity of the king. I. 241.
Dignities. II. 37.
Dilapidations. III. 91.
Dilatory pleas. III. 301.
Diminifhing the coin. IV. 90.
Diminution of record. IV. 383.
Diocefe. I. 110.
Direct prerogatives. I. 239.
Directory part of a law. I. 55.
Difabilities. IV. 370.
Difability, plea to. III. 301.
Difabling a man's limbs or members. IV. 205, 6, 7.
-------------------------- ftatutes of leafes. II. 275.
Difcontinuance of action. III. 296.
-------------------------- eftate. III. 171.
Difcovery by bankrupt. II. 483.
-------------------------- of accomplices. IV. 325.
-------------------------- on oath. III. 382. 437,.
Disfiguring. IV. 207.
Difguife IV. 144.
Difmembring, punifhment yb. IV. 370.
Difmiffion of bill in equity. III. 451.
Diforderly houfes. IV. 168.
-------------------------- perfons. IV. 170.
Difparagement. II. 70.
Difpenfation from the king. II. 70.
-------------------------- pope. IV. 114.
Difpenfing power of the king. I. 142. 185. 342. IV. 429. 433.
Difpoffeffion. III. 167. 198.
Diffection of murderers. IV. 202. 370. iv.
Diffeifin. II. 195. 169.
-------------------------- at the party's election. III. 170, 171.
-------------------------- , warranty commencing by. II. 302.
-------------------------- , writ of entry fur. II. 183.
Diffenters, proteftant. IV. 53.
Diffolution of parliament. I. 187.
Difterfs. III. 6, 7.
-------------------------- exceffive. III. 12.
-------------------------- illegal, for crown debts. IV. 416.
-------------------------- infinite. III. 231. 280. IV. 313.
-------------------------- , fale of. III. 14.
-------------------------- , fecond. III. 12.
Diftribution of inteftate's effects. II. 515. IV. 401. 417. 432.
Diftringas in chancery. III. 445.
-------------------------- detinue. III. 413.
-------------------------- juratores. III. 354.
-------------------------- to compel appearance. III. 280. xiv.
Difturbance. III. 236.
-------------------------- of common. III. 237.
-------------------------- franchifes. III. 236.
-------------------------- patronage. III. 242.

. P-12.
I N D E X.

Difturbance of tenure. III. 242.
-------------------------- ways. III. 241.
Difturber. II. 278.
Diverfity of perfon, plea of. IV. 389.
Dividend of bankrupts effects. II. 487.
Divine law. I. 42.
-------------------------- right of kings. I. 191. IV. 429.
-------------------------- tithes. II. 25.
-------------------------- fervice, tenure by. II. 102.
Divorce. I. 440. III. 94.
De, ut des. II. 444.
-------------------------- facias. II. 445.
Docket of judgment. II. 511.
Doctrines illegal, afferting or publifhing. I. 160. 208. 217. IV. 91. 116. 123.
Dog, carrying. IV. 123.
Dogs. &c, owner anfwereable for. III. 153.
Domebook of Alfred. I. 64. IV. 404.
Domefday-book. II. 49. 99. III. 331.
Dominion. II. 1.
Domitae naturae, animals. II. 390.
Donatio mortis caufa. II. 514.
Donative advowfons. II. 23.
Dene, grant, et render, fine fur. II. 353.
Donis, ftatute de. II. 112.
Double fine. II. 353.
-------------------------- p;ea. III. 308.
-------------------------- voucher. II. xvii.
Dowager, princefs. IV. 81.
-------------------------- , queen. I. 224. IV. 81.
Dower. II. 129. IV. 417.
-------------------------- ad oftium ecclefiae. II. 132.
-------------------------- affignment of. II. 135.
-------------------------- bar of. II. 136.
-------------------------- by common law. II. 132.
-------------------------- cuftom. II. 132.
-------------------------- de la plus belle. II. 132.
-------------------------- ex affenfu patris. II. 133.
-------------------------- , unde nibil babet, writ of. III. 183.
-------------------------- , writ of right of. III. 183. 194.
Draught fro money. II. 467.
Drawbacks. I. 315.
Drawing to the gallows. IV. 92. 370.
Droit droit. II. 199.
Druids, their cuftoms. I. 63. IV. 401.
Drunkennefs. IV. 25. 64.
Duchy court of Lancafter. III. 78.
Ducking-ftool. IV. 109. 370.
Duel IV. 145. 185. 199.
Dues, ecclefiaftical, non-payment of. III. 89.
Dukes. I. 397. 408.
Dum fuit intra actatem, writ of. III. 183.
-------------------------- non compos mentis, writ of. III. 183.
Duodecium manus. III. 343.
Duplex querela. III 247.
Duplicatio. III. 310.
Duplicity in pleading. III. 308. 311.
Durante abfentia, adminiftration. II. 503.
-------------------------- minore aetate, adminiftration. II. 503.
Durefs. II. 292.
-------------------------- of imprifonment. I. 131. 136.
-------------------------- per minas. I. 131. IV. 30.
Durham, county palatine of. I. 116.
-------------------------- , courts of. III. 78.
Duties of perfons. I. 123.
-------------------------- the king. I. 233.
Dwelling-houfe. IV. 224.


Ealdormen. I. 398.
Ear, lofs of. IV. 146. 160. 206, 207. 245, 246. 370.
Ear. I. 116. 398.
Earl marfhall, his court. III. 68. IV. 264.
Earneft. II. 447.
Eat fine die. III. 316. 399.
Eaves-dreppers. IV. 169.
Eccleftaftical corporations. I. 470.
-------------------------- courts. III. 61.
-------------------------- , their cognizance. III. 87. IV. 418.
-------------------------- , when feparated from the civil III. 62. IV. 408. 414.
Education of children. I. 450.
Edgar, king, his laws. I. 66. IV. 405.
Edward the confeffor, his laws. I. 66. IV. 405. 413.
Egyptians. IV. 165.
Ejectione firmae, writ of. III. 199.
Ejectment, action of. III. 199. vii. IV. 434.
Election of bifhops. I. 37. IV. 115. 414.
-------------------------- magiftrates. I. 340. IV. 406. 420.
-------------------------- members of parliament. I. 170. 176.
-------------------------- Scots peers. I. 168. IV. 116.
Elective monarchy. I. 192. IV. 406.
Eleemofynary corporations. I. 471.
Elegit, eftate by. II. 161.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 418. IV. 419.
Elifors. III. 355.
Eloignment. III. 129. 148.
Elopement. I. 442.
Ely, courts of. III. 78.
-------------------------- , ifle of. I. 118.
Embargo. I. 270.
Embaffadors. I. 253.
-------------------------- , killing them. IV. 65.

. P-13.
I N D E X.

Embaffadors, violation of their privileges. IV. 70. 434.
Emblements. II. 122. 145. 403.
Emboweling alive. IV. 92. 370.
Embracery. IV. 140.
Emperor, his authority. I. 242.
Empbyterfis. III. 232.
Enabling ftatute of leafes. II. 319.
Enclofure, diffeifin by. III. 170.
Endowment of vicarages. I. 387.
.-------------------------- widows. II. 135.
Enemies. I. 257. IV. 83.
-------------------------- goods. II. 401.
England. I. 110.
Englefcherie. IV. 195.
Englifh, law proceedingsin, III. 322. IV. 434.
Engroffing. IV. 158.
Enlarger l'eftate. II. 324.
Enlarging ftatute. I. 87.
Enquiry. Writ of. III. 398.
Enfeint. II. 169.
Entails. II. 112. IV. 420. 424.
Entries, books of. III. 272.
Entry. III. 5. 174.
-------------------------- forcible. III. 179. IV. 147.
-------------------------- onlands. II. 312.
-------------------------- , tolled by defcent. III. 176, 177.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 180. II. xvii.
Equity. I. 61. 91. III. 49. 429.
-------------------------- and law, courts of, how diftinguifhed. III. 429. 436. IV. 435.
-------------------------- courts, hiftory of. III. 49. IV. 423.
.-------------------------- , practice of. III. 442.
-------------------------- of redemption. II. 159.
-------------------------- ftatutes. III. 431.
-------------------------- referved. III. 453.
-------------------------- fide of the chancery. III. 49.
-------------------------- exchequer. III. 44.
Eriach. IV. 309.
Error, cofts in. III. 399. 410.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 405. xxi. IV. 384.
-------------------------- , where profecuted. III. 410, 411. IV. 384.
Efcape. III. 290. 415. IV. 150.
-------------------------- , action for. II. 163.
-------------------------- , affifting in. IV. 131
efcheat. I. 302. II. 11. 72. 89. 244. IV. 406. 411.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 194.
Efcrow. II. 307.
Efeuage, II. 74. IV. 415.
Efplees. II. xviii. III. iii.
Efquire. I. 405.
Effoign. III. 278.
-------------------------- day of the term. III. 278.
Eftate in lands. II. 103.
Eftates of the kingdom. I. 156.
Eftopped. II. 295. 308.
Eftoveriis babendis, writ de. I. 441.
Eftovers of a wife. I. 441.
-------------------------- common of. II. 35.
Eftrays. I. 297. II. 14.
Eftreat of recognizance, &c. IV. 250.
Eftrepement, writ of. III. 225.
Evidence. III. 367. IV. 350.
Ex officio informations. IV. 304.
Ex poft facto laws. I. 46.
Examination in chancery. III. 449.
-------------------------- of bankrupt. II. 481.
-------------------------- prifoners. IV. 293.
-------------------------- witneffes. III. 372.
-------------------------- , trial by. III. 331.
Exceptio. III. 310.
Exceptions, bill of. II. 372.

-------------------------- to anfwer in chancery. III. 448.
Exchange, bill of. II. 466.
-------------------------- , deed of. II. 323.
-------------------------- of goods and chattels. II. 446.
-------------------------- lands. II. 322.
Exchequer chamber, court of. III. 55.
-------------------------- , court of. III. 43.
-------------------------- , receipt of. III. 44.
Excife. I. 318.
-------------------------- , hereditary. I. 288.
-------------------------- , offences againft, how tried. IV. 278.
Exclufion bill. I. 210.
Excommunication. III. 101.
Excommunicato capiendo, writ de. III. 102.
-------------------------- deliberando, writ de. III. 102.
Excufable homicide. IV. 182.
Executed contract. II. 443.
-------------------------- eftate. II. 163.
-------------------------- fine. II. 353.
-------------------------- remainder. II. 168.
Execution, civil. III. 412. xxvi.
-------------------------- , criminal. IV. 396.
-------------------------- , award of. IV. vi.
-------------------------- , plea in bar of. IV. 389.
-------------------------- , precept of. IV. 396.
-------------------------- , role for. IV. 397.
-------------------------- , varying from judgment. IV. 179. 397.
-------------------------- , warrant of . IV. 397. vi.
-------------------------- , wirt of. IV. 396. vii.
-------------------------- of devifes. II. 376.
-------------------------- ufes. II. 333.
-------------------------- , procefs of. III. 279. 412.
Executive power. I. 190.
Executor. II. 503.
-------------------------- de fon tort. II. 507.

Vol. IV.         K k k         Executor

. P-14.
I N D E X.

Executor of executor. II. 506.
-------------------------- his own wrong. II. 507.
Executory contract. II. 443.
-------------------------- devife. II. 173. 334.
-------------------------- eftate. II. 163.
-------------------------- remainder. II. 169.
Exemplification. II. xvii.
Exemptions from tithes. II. 28.
Exigent, writ of. III. 283. IV. 314.
Exigi facias, writ of. III. 283. xvi. IV. 314.
Exile. I. 137. IV. 370.
Expectancy, eftates in. II. 163.
Expenfes of profecution. IV. 355.
-------------------------- witneffes. III. 369. IV. 355.
Exportation of wool, &c, IV. 154. 421.
Exprefs condition. II. 154.
-------------------------- contract. II. 443. III. 155.
-------------------------- malice. IV. 199.
-------------------------- warranty. II. 301.
Extendi facias. III. 420.
Extent, writ of. III. 420.
Extinguifhment of eftates. II. 325.
Extortion. IV. 141.
Extraparochial places. I. 113.
-------------------------- tithes. I. 284.
Extravagants. I. 82.
Eye, putting out. IV. 206, 207.
Eyre, chief juftice in. III. 72.
-------------------------- , juftices in . III. 57. IV. 415, 416.
-------------------------- , killing them. IV. 84.


Facio, ut des. II. 445.
-------------------------- facias. II. 444.
Facto, king de. I. 204. 370. IV. 77.
Factor. I. 427.
Factorfhip, cognizable in equity. III. 437.
Fair. I. 274. III. 218.
Falfe imprifoment. III. 127. IV. 218.
-------------------------- , action of. III. 138.
-------------------------- judgment, writ of. III. 34. 405.
-------------------------- news. IV. 149.
-------------------------- return, action for. III. 111. 163.
-------------------------- verdict. III. 402. IV. 140.
-------------------------- weights and meafures. IV. 157.
Falfi, cirmen. IV. 88. 134. 156. 245.
Falfifying attainder. IV. 383.
-------------------------- coin. IV. 84. 88. 90. 98.
-------------------------- judgment. IV. 383.
Fame, good or ill. IV. 253.
Farm. II. 318.
Favour, challenge to. III. 363.
Fealty. I. 367.
Fealty, oath of. II 45. 53. 86.
Fear, putting in. IV. 242.
Fee. II. 45. 104. 106.
-------------------------- after a fee. II. 334.
-------------------------- , ecclefiaftical. III. 90.
-------------------------- farm rent. II. 43.
-------------------------- fimple. II. 104. i. vi.
-------------------------- tail. II. 112. vi.
fees to counfel. III. 28.
Feigned iffue. III. 452.
Felo de fe. II. 499. IV. 189.
Felon. II. 499.
Felonious homicide. IV. 188.
Felony. II. 284. IV. 94.
-------------------------- , appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- , compounding of. IV. 133.
-------------------------- , mofprifion of. IV. 121.
-------------------------- , punifhment of. IV. 98. 216. 222.
Feme0covert. I. 442. II. 292. 497.
Feodal actions. III. 117.
-------------------------- tenures. II. 44. 425. 431.
-------------------------- among the Saxons. IV. 406.
-------------------------- , when receives in England. II. 48. IV. 406. 411.
Feoffment. II. 310. i.
Feorm. II. 318.
Ferae naturac, animals. II. 390.
Fetters. IV. 297. 317.
Feud. II. 45.
Feudatory. II. 53.
Feudum antiquum. II. 212. 221.
-------------------------- apertum. II. 245.
-------------------------- bonorarium. II. 56. 215.
-------------------------- improprium. II. 58.
-------------------------- individuum. II. 215.
-------------------------- maternum. II. 212. 243.
-------------------------- novzm. II. 212. 221.
-------------------------- , held ut antiquum. II. 212. 222.
-------------------------- paternum. II. 243.
-------------------------- proprium. II. 58.
Fiction in law. III. 43. 107.
Fictitious plaintiff. IV. 134.
Fidei-commiffum. II. 327.
Fidejuffors. III. 108. 291.
Fief. II. 45.
-------------------------- d'bauvert. II. 62.
Fieri facias, writ of. III. 417. xxvii.
-------------------------- feci. III. xxvii.
Fifteenths. I. 308.
Filial portion. II. 519.
Final decree. III. 452.
-------------------------- judgment. III. 398.
Finding of indictments. IV. 301.
-------------------------- things perfonal. II. 9.
Fine for alienation. II. 71. 89.

. P-15.
I N D E X.

Fine for endowment. II. 135.
-------------------------- mifdemefnors. IV. 370, 371.
-------------------------- in copyhold. II. 98.
-------------------------- of lands. II. 118. 348. III. 156. IV. 419. 422.
-------------------------- executed. II. 353.
-------------------------- fur done, grant, et render. II. 353.
-------------------------- cognizance de droit, come cape, &c. II. 352. xiv.
-------------------------- tantum. II. 353.
-------------------------- conceffit. II. 353.
Fines and forfeitures, when grantable. III. 259. IV. 372.
Finger, difabling. IV. 206.
Fire, negligence of. I. 431. IV. 222.
Fire-bote. II. 35.
Fire-ordeal. IV. 336.
Fire-works. IV. 168.
Firft-fruits. I. 284. II. 67. IV. 106.
Fifh, royal. I. 290.
-------------------------- , ftealing, in difguife. IV. 144. 235.
-------------------------- , or attempting to fteal. IV. 235.
Fifhery, common of. II. 34.
-------------------------- , free. II. 39. 417. IV. 417.
-------------------------- , feveral. II. 39.
Fifhpond, deftroying. IV. 244.
Fitzherbert. I. 72. III. 183.
Flects. I. 262. IV. 412.
Fleta. I.72. ov. 320.
Flight. IV. 380.
Flotfam. I. 292. III. 106.
Focnus nauticum. II. 459.
Folk land. II. 91, 92.
Foot of a fine. II. 351. xv.
Force, injuries with and without. III. 118.
-------------------------- , when repellable by death. IV. 181.
Forcible abduction and marriage. IV. 208.
-------------------------- entry and detainer. III. 179. IV. 147.
Foreelofure. II. 159.
Foreign bill of exchange. II. 467.
-------------------------- coin, forging it. IV. 89. 99. 120.
-------------------------- dominions. I. 109.
-------------------------- prince, penfion from. IV. 122.
-------------------------- fervice. IV. 100.
Foreft. I. 289. II. 14. 38. 414.
-------------------------- courts. III. 71.
-------------------------- laws. II. 416. III. 73. IV. 408. 413. 414. 416. 425. 430.
Forefta, carta de. IV. 416. 418.
Foreftaller, diffeifin by. II. 170.
Foreftalling. IV. 158.
Foretooth, ftriking out. IV. 206.
Forfeiture. I. 299. II. 153. 267.
.-------------------------- for crimes. IV. 370. 374. 416. 417.
Forfeiture of copyholds. II. 284.
-------------------------- goods and chattels. II. 420. IV. 379.
-------------------------- lands. II. 267. IV. 374.
Forgery. IV. 245.
Forgivenefs by the profecutor. IV. 357.
Forma pauperis. III. 400.
Formedon, writ of. III. 191.
Forms of law, unalterable. I. 142.
Fornication. IV. 64.
Forts and caftles. I. 263.
Fortune-tellers. IV. 61.
Forty days court. III. 71.
Founder of a corporation. I. 480.
Foundling hofpitals. I. 132.
Franchife. II. 37.
-------------------------- , allowance of. III. 263.
-------------------------- , difturbance of. III. 236.
-------------------------- royal. I. 302.
Frankalmoign. II. 101.
Franked letters. I. 322.
Frankmarriage. II. 115.
Frankpledge. I. 113. IV. 249.
-------------------------- , view of. IV. 270.
Frank-tenement. II. 104.
-------------------------- tenure. II. 61.
Frater confanguineus. II. 232.
-------------------------- uterinus. II. 232.
Fraud, civil, where cognizable. III. 431. 437 439.
-------------------------- , criminal. IV. 158.
Frauds and perjuries, ftatute of. III. 157. IV. 432.
Fraudulent devifes. II. 378.
Fraunk-ferme. II. 80.
Free-bench. II. 122.
-------------------------- fifhery. II. 39. 417.
-------------------------- fervices. II. 60.
-------------------------- focage. II. 79.
-------------------------- watten. II. 38. 417. IV. 408.
Freehold. II. 104.
-------------------------- leafes. II. 120. 318.
Frefh fuit. I. 297.
Fruit, ftealing of. IV. 233.
Full age. I. 463.
Fumage. I. 323.
Funds, public. I. 328.
Funeral expenfes. II. 508.
Furandi, animus. IV. 230. 232.
Future, freehold in. II. 144. 165.


Gage. III. 280. iv.
-------------------------- , eftates in. II. 257.

          K k k 2           Game

. P-16.
I N D E X.

Game. II. 14. 403. 410. IV. 408.
-------------------------- , deftroying of. IV. 174.
-------------------------- laws. IV. 174. 409.
-------------------------- , felling of. IV. 175.
Gaming. IV. 171.
Gaminghoufes. IV. 168. 171.
Gaol-delivery. IV. 267. iii.
Gaolers. I. 346. IV. 297.
-------------------------- , compelling prifoners to be approvers, &c. IV. 129.
Gardens, robbing of. IV. 233.
Garter, knight of. I. 404.
Gavelkind. I. 74. II. 84. IV. 401. 406.
General demurrer. III. 315.
-------------------------- fund. I. 328.
-------------------------- iffue. III. 305. IV. 332.
-------------------------- legacy. II. 512.
-------------------------- occupancy. II. 258.
-------------------------- feffions. IV. 269.
-------------------------- ftatute. I. 85.
-------------------------- tail. II. 113. vi.
-------------------------- verdict. III. 378. IV. 354.
-------------------------- warrant. IV. 288.
Gentlemen. I. 405.
Gift of chattels perfonal. II. 441.
-------------------------- real. II. 440
-------------------------- lands and tenements. II. 316.
Gilda mercatoria. I. 473.
Glanvil. I. 72. IV. 414.
Gleaning. III. 212.
God and religion, offences againft. IV. 43.
Good behaviour, fecurity for. IV. 248. 253.
-------------------------- confideration. II. 297.
Government, contempts againft. IV. 123.
-------------------------- , it's original. I. 48.
Grand affife. III. 341. 351. v. IV. 415.
-------------------------- couftumier of Normandy. I. 106.
-------------------------- juror, difelofing evidence. IV. 126.
-------------------------- jury. IV. 299. II.
-------------------------- in attaint. III. 351. 403.
-------------------------- larceny. IV. 229.
-------------------------- ferjeanty. II. 73.
Grants. II. 9.
-------------------------- of chattels perfonal. II 441.
-------------------------- real. II. 440.
-------------------------- lands and tenements. II. 317.
-------------------------- the king. II. 346.
Great council. I. 147.
-------------------------- feal of the king. II. 346. III. 47.
-------------------------- , counterfeiting it. IV. 83.
-------------------------- tithes. I. 388.
Gregorian code. I. 81.
Grofs, advowfons in. II. 22.
-------------------------- , common in II. 34.
Grofs, villein in. II. 93.
Guardian adminiftration litem. III. 427.
-------------------------- and ward. I. 460.
-------------------------- at common law. I. 461.
-------------------------- by cuftom. I. 462.
-------------------------- nature. I. 461.
-------------------------- ftatute. I. 462.
-------------------------- for narture. I. 461.
-------------------------- in chivalry. I. 462. II. 67.
-------------------------- focage. II. 88.
-------------------------- teftamentary. I. 462.
Guernfey, ifland of. I. 106.
Gunpowder, hindering it's importation. IV. 116.
Gypfies. IV. 165.


Habeas corpora juratorum. III. 354.
-------------------------- corpus. I. 135.
-------------------------- act. I. 128. III. 135. IV. 431.
-------------------------- adminiftration deliberandum. III. 130.
-------------------------- faciendum et recipiendum. III. 130.
-------------------------- profequencum. III. 130.
-------------------------- refpondendum. III. 129.
-------------------------- fatisfaciendum. III. 130.
-------------------------- fubju\iciendum. III. 131.
-------------------------- teftificandum. III. 130.
-------------------------- cum caufa. III. 77.
Habendum of a deed. II. 298. i. ii. v.
Habere facias poffeffionem. III. 412.
-------------------------- feifinam. III. 412.
Habitation, offences againft. IV. 220.
-------------------------- , property in. II. 4.
Hackney coaches and chairs. I. 324.
Haereditas jacens. II. 259.
Haeretice comburendo, writ de. IV. 46. 432.
Half blood. I. 194. II. 227.
Hame-feeken. IV. 223.
Hamlet. I. 114.
Hanaper office. III. 49.
Hand, difabling. IV. 206.
-------------------------- , holding up. IV. 318.
-------------------------- , lofs of. IV. 125. 154. 273. 370.
-------------------------- fale. II. 448.
Writing, fimilitude. Of. IV. 351.
Hanging. IV. 370.
Hanover. I. 109.
Havens. I. 264.
Hawks, ftealing of. IV. 235.
Hay-bote. II. 35.
Head of the church. I. 278. IV. 423.
Headborough. I. 114.

. P-17.
I N D E X.

Health. I. 124.
-------------------------- , injuries to. III. 122.
-------------------------- , offences againft public. IV. 161.
Hearing in equity. III. 451.
Hearfay evidence. III. 368.
Hearth-money. I. 324.
Hedge-bote. II. 35.
Hedge-ftealing. IV. 233.
Heir. II. 201.
-------------------------- apparent and prefumptive. II. 208.
Heirefs, ftealing of. IV. 208.
Heir-looms. II. 427.
Helping to ftolen goods for reward. IV. 132.
Hengham. III. 408. IV. 420.
Henry I, his laws. IV. 413.
Heptarchy, Saxon. IV. 403.
Heraldry. III. 105.
Heralds. III. 105.
-------------------------- books. III. 105.
Hereditaments. II. 17.
Hereditary right. I. 191.
Herefy. IV. 44.
Heretable jurifdictions. II. 77.
Heretochs. I. 397. 408. IV. 406.
Heriots. II. 97. 422.
-------------------------- , feifing of. III. 15.
Hermogenian code. I. 81.
High commiffion court. III. 67. IV. 42. 426. 430.
-------------------------- conftable. I. 355.
-------------------------- of England. I. 355. IV. 265.
-------------------------- , his court. III. 68. IV. 264.
-------------------------- mifdemefnors. IV. 121.
-------------------------- fteward of Great Britain, his court. IV. 258.
-------------------------- , in parliament. IV. 257. 260.
-------------------------- Oxford, his court. IV. 274.
-------------------------- treafon. IV. 75.
-------------------------- , trials in. IV. 345. 433.
Highways. I. 357. II. 35.
-------------------------- , annoyances in . IV. 167.
-------------------------- , robbery in or near. IV. 243.
Hiring. II. 454.
Hiftory of the law. IV. 400.
Hogs, keeping them in towns. IV. 167.
Holding over. II. 151. 210. 211.
Homage. II. 53.
-------------------------- aunceftrel. II. 300.
-------------------------- by bifhops. I. 379. IV. 414.
-------------------------- liege. I. 367.
-------------------------- of a court baron. II. 91.
-------------------------- fimple. I. 367.
Homicide. IV. 177.
Homine replegiando, writ de. III. 120.
Honorary feuds. II. 56. 215.
Honoris refpectum, challenge propter. III. 261. IV. 346.
Honour, court of. III. 104.
-------------------------- of a peer. I. 402.
-------------------------- , or dignity. I. 271.
-------------------------- feignory. II. 91.
Hop-binds, deftroying. IV. 245.
Horfe-races. IV. 173.
Horfes, fale of. II. 450.
Hofpitals. I. 471. 474.
-------------------------- , their vifitors. I. 482.
Hotehpot. II. 190. 517.
Houfe, immunities of. IV. 223.
-------------------------- , larceny from. IV. 240.
Houfe-bote. II. 35.
Houfe. Tax. I. 323.
Hue and cry. IV. 200.
Hundred. I. 115. IV. 404.
-------------------------- , action againft, for robbery, &C. III. 160. IV. 244. 290.
Hundred-court. III. 34. IV. 404.
Hundredors, challenge for defect of . III. 359. IV. 346.
Hunger. IV. 31.
Hunting. III. 213.
-------------------------- by inferior tradefmen. III. 215. 401.
-------------------------- night or in difguife. IV. 144.
Hurdle. IV. 92. 370.
Hufband and wife. I. 433. IV. 28.
-------------------------- , injuries to. III. 139.
Huftings, court of, in London. III. 80.
Hydage. I. 310.
Hypotbeca. II. 159.

J.        I.

Jactitation of marriage. III. 93.
Identity of perfon. IV. 389.
Idiot. I. 302. II. 291. IV. 24.
-------------------------- , cognizance of. III. 427.
-------------------------- , infpection of. III. 332.
-------------------------- , marriage of. I. 438.
Idiota inquirendo, writ de. I. 103.
Idlenefs. IV. 169.
Fcofails, III. 406. IV. 369. IV. 432.
Jerfey, ifland of i. 106.
Jews. I. 375. IV. 365.
-------------------------- , children of. I .449.
ignominious punifhments. IV. 370.
Ignoramus. IV. 301.


. P-18.
I N D E X.

Ignorance. IV. 27.
Illegal conditions. II. 156.
Imagining the king's death. IV. 76.
Imbezzling king's armour or ftores. IV. 101.
-------------------------- public money. IV. 121.
-------------------------- records. IV. 128.
Immediate defcent. II. 226.
Ftates of the empire. II. 60.
Imparlance. II. xix. III. 298. xxii.
Impeachment in parliament. IV. 256.
-------------------------- of wafte. II. 283. v.
imperial chamber. III. 39.
-------------------------- conftitutions. I. 80.
-------------------------- crown and dignity. I. 242.
Impediments of marriage. I. 434.
Implication. II. 381.
Implied condition. II. 152.
-------------------------- contract. II. 443. III. 158.
-------------------------- malice. IV. 200.
-------------------------- warranty. II. 300.
Importing agnus dei, croffes. &c. IV. 115.
-------------------------- counterfeit money. IV. 84. 89.
Impoffible condition. II. 156.
Impoftures, religious. IV. 61.
Impotency. I. 434.
Impotentiae, property ratione. II. 394.
Impreffing feamen. I. 418.
Imprifonment. I. 134. 136. IV. 370. 429.
-------------------------- beyond fea. I. 137. IV. 116.
-------------------------- falfe. III. 127. IV. 218.
Improper feuds. II. 58.
Impropriations. I. 386.
Incapacities. IV. 370.
Incendiaries. IV. 220.
Inceft. IV. 64.
Inchantment. IV. 60.
Incidental prerogatives. I. 240.
Incomplete judgments. III. 397.
Incorporation, power of. I. 472. 474.
Incorporeal hereditaments. II. 20.
Imcorrigible roguery. IV. 170.
Incumbent. I. 392.
Incumbrances covenant againft. II. x.
Indevitatus affumpfit. III. 154.
Indefeafible right to the throne. I. 195.
Indentures. II. 295.
-------------------------- of a fine. II. 351. xv.
Inditavit, writ of. III. 91.
Indictable, what. IV. 218.
Indictment. IV. 299. ii.
-------------------------- ,copy of. III. 126. IV. 345.
Individuals, offences againft. IV. 176.
Indorfement of bill and notes. II. 468. IV. 434.
Induction to a benefice. I. 391. II. 312. IV. 106.
Induftriam, property fper. II. 391.
Infamous witnefs. III. 370.
Infant. I. 463. II. 292. 497. IV. 22.
-------------------------- , carnal knowledge of. III. 427.
-------------------------- , evidence by. IV. 214.
-------------------------- , infpection of. III. 332.
-------------------------- , in ventre fa mere. I. 129. 130.
-------------------------- , privileges and difabilities of. I. 464.
Infeodations of tithes. II. 27.
Influence on elections to parliament. I. 178.
Information, compounding of. IV. 135.
-------------------------- criminal. IV. 303. 422. 429.
-------------------------- ex officio. III. 427. IV. 304.
-------------------------- for charities. III. 427.
-------------------------- in crown office. IV. 304.
-------------------------- ecclefiaftical courts. III. 101.
-------------------------- exchequer. III. 261.
-------------------------- nature of quo warranto. IV. 304. 434.
-------------------------- re. III. 262.
-------------------------- of fuperftitious ufes. III. 428.
Informer, common II. 437. III. 160. IV. 304.
Infortunium, homicide per. IV. 192.
Inheritable blood. II. 246.
Inheritance. II. 11. 201.
-------------------------- , canons of. II. 208.
-------------------------- , eftates of. II. 104.
Initiate, tenant by curtefy. II. 127.
Injunction in equity. III. 443.
Injuries, civil. III. 2.
-------------------------- with and without force. III. 118.
Inland bill of exchange. II. 467.
Inmates. IV. 168.
Inn of court and chancery. I. 23. 25.
Innkeeper, action againft. III. 164.
Inns, diforderly. IV. 168.
Innuendo. III. 126.
Inofficious teftament. I. 448. II. 502.
Inqueft of office. III. 258. IV. 298. 417.
Inquifitio poft mortem. II. 68. III. 258.
Infidiatio viarum. IV. 366.
Infimul computaffent. III. 126.
Infolbenry, act of. II. 484.
Infolvent debtors. II. 484. III. 416.
Infpection, trial by. III. 331.
Inftallment. II. 312.
Inftanter, trial. IV. 389. v.
Inftitutes of Juftinian. I. 81.
Inftitution to a benefice. I. 390. II. 23. IV. 106.
Infurance. II. 460. III. 74. IV. 434.

. P-19.
I N D E X.

Interdictum. III. 442.
Intereffe termini. II. 134.
Intereft of money. II. 455.
-------------------------- on bankrupt's debts. II. 488.
-------------------------- legacies. II. 514.
-------------------------- or no intereft, infarance. II. 461.
Interefted witnefs. III. 370.
Interlineations in a deed. II. 308.
Interlocutory decree in ecclefuftical courts. III. 101.
-------------------------- chancery. III. 452.
-------------------------- judgment. III. 448.
Interpleader, bill of. III. 448.
Interpretation of laws. I. 58.
Interregnum. I. 196. 249.
Interrogatories, examination on. III. 383. 438. IV. 283.
-------------------------- in chancery. IV. 449.
Inteftacy. II. 494.
Inteftates, their debts and effects. IV. 418. 421.
Intrufion, information of . III. 261.
-------------------------- on freehold. III. 169.
-------------------------- , writ of. III 183.
Inventory of deceafed's effects. II. 510.
Inveftiture, II. 209.
-------------------------- of benefices. II. 23.
-------------------------- feuds. II. 53.
-------------------------- lands. II. 311.
Involuntary manftaughter. IV. 192.
John, king, his refrgnation of the crown to the pope. IV. 107. 111.
Joinder in demurrer. III. 315. xxiv.
-------------------------- of battle. III. IV.
-------------------------- iffue. III. 315. x. IV. 334. iii.
Joint-tenancy in lands. II. 180.
-------------------------- things perfonal II. 399.
Joint-tenant, king cannot be. II. 409.
Jointure. II. 137. 180. v.
Ireland. I. 99.
Iron, ftealing. IV. 233.
Irons to fecure prifoners. IV. 297. 317.
Iflands. II. 261.
Iffuable terms. III. 353.
Iffue at law. III. 313, 314.
-------------------------- , collateral. IV. 389. v.
-------------------------- feigned. III. 452.
-------------------------- in criminal cafes. IV. 333. iii. v.
-------------------------- equity. III. 448.
-------------------------- , joinder of. III. 315. x. IV. 334. iii.
-------------------------- , tender of. III. 312
itinerant courts. IV. 404. 415.
-------------------------- juftices. III. 57. IV. 415.
Judges. I. 267. III. 25. ov. 433.
-------------------------- , affaulting them. IV. 125.
Judges, how counfel for prifoners. IV. 349.
-------------------------- , killing them. IV. 84.
-------------------------- , their commiffions. I. 267.
-------------------------- , threatening or reproaching them. IV. 126.
Judgment. II. xix. III. 395. v. vi. xii. xxiv. xxvi.
-------------------------- , action on. III. 158. 159. 421.
-------------------------- in criminal cafes. IV. 368. IV.
-------------------------- , property by, II. 436.
-------------------------- , relieved againft in equity. III. 437.
Judices ordinarii. III. 315.
Judical power. I. 267. 269.
-------------------------- writs. III. 282.
Judicium Dei. IV. 336.
-------------------------- parium. III. 350.
Jure divino right to the trone. I. 191.
-------------------------- tithes. II. 25.
Jure, king de. I. 204. IV. 77.
Juris utrum, writ of. III. 252.
Jurifdiction, encroachment of. III. 111.
-------------------------- of courts, fettled by Edw. I. IV. 418. 419.
-------------------------- , plea to. III. 301. IV. 327.
Jurors, fining or imprifoning. IV. 354.
Jury, trial by. III. 349. IV. 342. 407. 434.
Jus accrefcendi. II. 184. v.
-------------------------- adminiftration rem. II. 312.
-------------------------- duplicatum. II. 199.
-------------------------- fiduciarium. II. 328.
-------------------------- in re. II. 312.
-------------------------- legitimum. II. 328.
-------------------------- patronatus. III. 246.
-------------------------- precarium. II. 328.
Juftice, free courfe of. I. 141.
-------------------------- , homicide in advancement of. IV. 179.
-------------------------- , king the fountain of. I. 266.
-------------------------- , neglect or refufal of. III. 109.
-------------------------- , offences againft. IV. 128.
Juftice-feat, court of. III. 72.
Jufticies, writ of. III. 36.
Juftifiable homicide. IV. 178.
Juftification, fpecial. III. 306.
Juftifying bail. III. 291.


Keeper, lord. III. 47.
Kidnapping. IV. 219.
Kindred, how numerous. II. 205.
King. I. 190.
-------------------------- can do no wrong. I. 246. III. 254. IV. 32.

. P-20.
I N D E X.

King, compaffing or imagining his death. IV. 76.
-------------------------- , his councils. I. 227.
-------------------------- counfel. III. 27.
-------------------------- courts, contempts againft. IV. 124.
-------------------------- dignity. I. 241.
-------------------------- duties. I. 266.
-------------------------- enemies, adhering to. IV. 82.
-------------------------- government, contempts againft. Ov. 123.
-------------------------- grants. II. 346.
-------------------------- money, counterfeiting. IV. 84.
-------------------------- palaces, contempts againft. IV. 124.
-------------------------- perfection. I. 246.
-------------------------- perpetuity. I. 249.
-------------------------- perfon, contempts againft, IV. 123.
-------------------------- pleafure, how underftood. IV. 121.
-------------------------- power. I. 250.
-------------------------- prerogative. I. 237.
-------------------------- , contempts againft. IV. 122.
-------------------------- , felonies againft. IV. 98.
-------------------------- in debts, judgments, and executions. III. 420.
-------------------------- revenue, extraordinary. I. 306.
-------------------------- , ordinary. I. 281.
-------------------------- royal family. I. 219.
-------------------------- feals. II. 346, 347. III. 47.
-------------------------- , counterfeiting. IV. 83. 89.
-------------------------- filver. II. 350.
-------------------------- fovereignty. I. 241.
-------------------------- title. I. 190.
-------------------------- , contempts againft. IV. 123.
-------------------------- ubiquity. I. 270.
-------------------------- , injuries to or by. III. 254.
-------------------------- , levying war againft. IV. 81.
-------------------------- , refufal to advife or affift him. IV. 122.
King's bench, court of. III. 41. IV. 262.
-------------------------- , juftices of, killing them. IV. 84.
Knight bachelor. I 404.
-------------------------- banneret. I. 401.
-------------------------- of the bath. I. 404.
-------------------------- garter. I. 140.
-------------------------- fhire, his electors. I. 172.
-------------------------- to be returned on a lord's jury. III. 359.
Knight's-fee. I. 405. 409. II. 62.
Knighthood. II. 69. IV. 432.
Knight-fervice. II. 62.


Labour, foundation of property. II. 5.
-------------------------- , hard. IV. 370.
Labourers. I. 406. 426.
Lacbes. I. 247.
-------------------------- of infant. I. 465.
Laefae majeftatis, crimen. IV. 75. 89.
Laefione fidei, fuit pro. III. 52.
Laity. I. 396.
Lancafter, county palatine of. I. 116.
-------------------------- , it's courts. III. 78.
-------------------------- , duchy of, its courts. III. 78.
Lands. II. 16. 17.
-------------------------- , property in. II. 7.
Land-tax. I. 308. IV. 416.
Lapfe. II. 276. IV. 106.
Lapfed legacy. II. 513.
Larceny. IV. 229.
-------------------------- , appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- , compound. IV. 240.
-------------------------- from the houfe. IV. 240.
-------------------------- perfon. IV. 241.
-------------------------- , grand. IV. 229.
-------------------------- , mixed. IV. 240.
-------------------------- , only of things perfonal. IV. 232.
-------------------------- , petit. IV. 229.
-------------------------- , fimple. IV. 230.
Lathes. I. 116.
Latitat, writ of. III. 286. xviii.
Law. I. 38.
-------------------------- , amendment of, ftatute for. IV. 434.
-------------------------- and equity, courts of, how diftinguifhed. III. 429.
-------------------------- , canon. I. 14. 19. 79. 82. 83.
-------------------------- , civil. I. 80.
-------------------------- and canon, authority of. I. 14. 79. 83. IV. 414. 415.
-------------------------- , rejected by the Englifh nobility. I. 19.
-------------------------- , common. I. 63. 67.
-------------------------- , divine or revealed. I. 42.
-------------------------- offences againft. IV. 43.
-------------------------- , feodal. II. 44. IV. 411.
-------------------------- , French. III. 317. IV. 409. 421.
-------------------------- , greek. III. 321.
-------------------------- , hiftory of. IV. 400.
-------------------------- , latin. III. 319. IV. 421.
-------------------------- , martial. I. 412. IV. 429.
-------------------------- , merchant. I. 273. IV. 67.
. P-21.
I N D E X.

Law, municipal. I. 44.
-------------------------- of nations. I. 43.
-------------------------- , offences againft. IV. 66.
-------------------------- nature. I. 39.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 163.
-------------------------- fide of the chancery. III. 47.
-------------------------- exchequer. III. 45.
-------------------------- , ftatute. I. 85.
-------------------------- , unwritten. I. 63. IV. 401.
-------------------------- , wager of. III. 341. IV. 407. 417.
-------------------------- , written. I. 85.
Lawing of maftiffs. III. 72.
Lay corporations. I. 470.
-------------------------- inveffiture of bifhops. I. 378.
Lazarets, efcaping from. IV. 162.
Lead, ftealing. IV. 233.
Leading interrogatories. III. 449.
Leap-year. II. 141.
Leafe. II. 317. II.
-------------------------- and releafe. II. 339. II.
-------------------------- , entry, and oufter, rule to confef. III. 204. ix.
Leet. IV. 270. 404. 417.
Legacies. II. 512.
-------------------------- , fubtraction of. III. 98.
Legal eftates for life. II. 124. 126. 129.
Legatine conftitutions. I. 82.
Legitlative power. I. 147.
Legitlature, how far controllable. I. 161.
Legitimate child. I. 446.
Lending. II. 454.
Letter, demanding money, &c, IV. 144.
-------------------------- miffive, for electing a bifhop. I. 379.
-------------------------- , in chancery. III. 445.
-------------------------- ,threatening. IV. 144.
Letters patent. II. 346.
Levant and couchant. III. 9. 239.
Levari facias, writ of. III. 417.
Levitical degrees. I. 435.
Levying money without confent of parliament. I. 140.
-------------------------- war againft the king. IV. 81.
Lewdnefs. IV. 64.
Lex manfefta. III. 344.
-------------------------- talionis. IV. 12.
Lebel, immoral or illegal. IV. 150.
-------------------------- , in ecclefiaftical courts. III. 100.
-------------------------- , malicious. III. 125. IV. 150.
Leberam legem, lofing. III. 340. IV. 342.
Liberties of franchifes. II. 37.
Liberty, civil. I. 6. 125.
-------------------------- , natural. I. 125.
-------------------------- of the prefs. IV. 151.
-------------------------- , perfonal. I. 134.
-------------------------- , crimes againft. IV. 218.
Liberty, perfonal, injuries to. III. 127.
-------------------------- , political. I. 125.
Licence for marriage. I. 439.
-------------------------- from the pope. IV. 144.
-------------------------- of alienation. II. 72.
-------------------------- mortmain. II. 269.
-------------------------- to agree, in a fine. II. 350. xiv.
Licenfed curate. I. 394.
Licenfing of books. IV. 152. 432.
Licentia concordandi. II. 350. xiv.
-------------------------- loquendi,. III. 298.
Liege. I. 367.
Lieutenant, lord. I. 410.
Life. I. 129.
-------------------------- , crimes againft. IV. 177.
-------------------------- , eftate for. II. 120. v.
ligan. I. 292. III. 106.
Legeance. I. 366.
Light. II. 14.
-------------------------- houfes. I. 264.
-------------------------- prefumption. III. 372.
Limbs. I. 130.
Limitation of entries and actions. III. 178. 188. 192. 196. 250. IV. 429.
-------------------------- eftate. II. 155.
-------------------------- , ftatutes of. III. 306.
Limited adminiftration. II. 506.
-------------------------- fee. II. 109.
-------------------------- property. II. 391.
Lineal confanguinity. II. 203.
-------------------------- defcent. II. 210.
-------------------------- of the crown. I. 194.
-------------------------- warranty. II. 301.
Lip, cutting of. IV. 207.
Literary property. II. 405.
Litigious church. III. 244. 246.
Littleton. I. 73.
Liturgy, reviling of. IV. 50.
Livery in chivalry. II. 68.
-------------------------- deed. II. 315.
-------------------------- law. II. 316.
-------------------------- of feifin. II. 311. i.
Loans compulfive. I. 140. IV. 429.
Local actions. III. 294.
Locality of trial. III. 384.
Locks on rivers, deftruying. IV. 144.
Logic, it's effects upon law and theology, i. 33. II. 58. IV. 410.
Lollanly. IV. 47.
London, courts of. III. 80.
-------------------------- , cuftoms of. I. 75, 76. II. 517.
-------------------------- , franchifes of, not forfeitable. III. 264. IV. 417.
-------------------------- , mayor and aldermen of, their cerfificate. III. 334.

Vol. IV.           L l l       Lord
. P-22.
I N D E X.

Lord and vafal. II. 53.
-------------------------- , feodal. II. 53.
Lords committees for courts of juftice. III. 57.
-------------------------- , houfe of, it's attendants. I. 167.
-------------------------- may kill the king's deer. I. 167.
-------------------------- fpiritual. I. 155.
-------------------------- temporal. I. 157.
-------------------------- triors. IV. 259., 260. 433.
Lotteries. IV. 168.
Lunatics. I. 304. II. 291. IV. 24. 388.
-------------------------- , cognizance of. III. 427.
-------------------------- , marriage of. I. 439.
Luxury. IV. 170.


Madder roots, ftealing them. IV. 233.
Magiftrates. I. 146.
-------------------------- , opperffion of. IV. 140.
-------------------------- , fubordinate. I. 338.
-------------------------- , fupreme. I. 338.
Magna affifa eligenda, writ de. III. 351.
-------------------------- carta. I. 127. IV. 416. 418.
-------------------------- , it's contents. IV. 416. 417.
Mainour. III. 71. IV. 303.
Mainpernors. III. 128.
Mainprize, writ of. III. 128.
Maintenance of baftards. I. 458.
-------------------------- children. I. 447.
-------------------------- parents. I. 454.
-------------------------- fuits. I. 428. IV. 134.
-------------------------- wife. I. 442.
Making law. III. 343.
Mala in fe. I. 54.
-------------------------- probibita. I. 57.
Mal-adminiftration of government. IV. 121.
Male preferred to female in defcents. I. 194. II. 212.
-------------------------- line preferred to female. I. 194.
-------------------------- ftock preferred to female. II. 234.
Malice exprefs. IV. 199.
-------------------------- implied. IV. 200.
Prepenfe. IV. 198. 206.
Malicious mifchief. IV. 243.
-------------------------- profecution. III. 126.
Malt-tax. I. 313.
Man, ifland of. I. 105.
Mandamus, writ of. III. 110. 264. IV. 434.
Mandates royal to the judges in private caufes. I. 142. IV. 419.
Manhood. II. 54.
Manor. II. 90.
Manfion-houfe. IV. 224.
Manflaughter. IV. 191.
-------------------------- , conviction of. IV. iv.
manftealing. IV. 219.
Manufacturers, feducing them abroad. IV. 160.
Manufactures, encouragement of. IV. 421.
Manumiffion of villains. II. 94.
Marchers, lords. I. 398.
Marches. I. 398.
Mariners, wandring. IV. 165.
Maritime caufes. III. 106.
-------------------------- courts. III. 69.
-------------------------- ftate. I. 417.
Mark, fubferibed to deeds. II. 305.
Market. I. 274. III. 218.
-------------------------- , clerk of his court. IV. 272.
-------------------------- overt. II. 449.
-------------------------- towns. I. 114.
Marque and reprifal. I. 258.
Marqueffes. I. 397.
Marriage. I. 433.
-------------------------- , clandeftine or irregular. I. 439. IV. 163.
-------------------------- contract, fuit for. III. 93.
-------------------------- , forcible. IV. 208.
-------------------------- in chivalry. II. 70. IV. 411. 413. 414.
-------------------------- focage. II. 89.
-------------------------- licences and regifters, forging or deftroying. IV. 163. 246.
-------------------------- , property by . II. 433.
-------------------------- fettlement. II. 364.
-------------------------- , it's antiquity. II. 138.
Marriages, when good. I. 440.
Marfhall of the king's bench. III. 42.
-------------------------- , cuftody of. III. 285.
-------------------------- hoft, certificate of. III. 334.
Marfhalfes, court. of. III. 76. IV. 273.
Martial, courts. I. 414.
-------------------------- law. I. 412. IV. 429.
Mafs books. IV. 115.
Mafter and fervant. I. 423.
-------------------------- in chancery. III. 442.
-------------------------- , injuries to. III. 141.
-------------------------- of the rolls. III. 442.
-------------------------- , his judical authority. III. 450.
Material prima. III. 322.
Maternal maternis. II. 235.
Matrimonial caufes. III. 92.
Matrons, jury of. III. 362. IV. 388.
Maxims. I. 68.
Mayhem, i. 130. III. 121. IV. 205.

. P-23.
I N D E X.

Mayhem, appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- , infpection of. III. 332.
Mayors. IV. 406.
Meafures. I. 274. IV. 272. 417.
-------------------------- , falfe. IV. 157.
Mediate ftates of the empire. II. 60.
Medietate linguae. Jury de. III. 360. IV. 166. 346.
Mediterranean paffes, counterfeiting of. IV. 246.
Members of parliament. I. 153.
Memory, time of. II. 31.
Menaces. III. 120.
Menial fervants. I. 423.
Menfa et thora, divorce a. I. 440. III. 94.
Merten-lage. I. 65. IV. 405.
Merchants, cuftom of. i. 75.
-------------------------- , foreign. I. 260. IV. 417.
Mercheta. II. 83.
Mere right. II. 197.
-------------------------- , not affignable. II. 290.
Merger. II. 177.
Mefne lords. II. 59.
-------------------------- procefs. III. 297. 415.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 234.
Metaphyfics, their effects upon law and theology. II. 58. IV. 410.
Michel-gemote. I. 147.
Michel-jynoth. I. 147.
Middlefex, bill of. III. 285. xviii.
Migration. II. 7.
Military caufes. III. 103.
-------------------------- courts. III. 68.
-------------------------- feuds. II. 56.
-------------------------- offences. I. 414. IV. 101.
-------------------------- power of the crown. I. 262.
-------------------------- ftate. I. 407.
-------------------------- tenures. I. 287.
-------------------------- teftament. I. 416.
Mines. I. 294.
-------------------------- , ftealin ore out of. IV. 234.
Minority, none in the king. I. 248.
Minors not to fit in parliament. I. 162.
Minftrells. II. 96.
Mif-adventure, homicide by. IV. 182.
Mischief, malicious. IV. 243.
Mifdemefnor. IV. 1. 5.
Mife. III. v.
Misfortune. IV. 26.
Mifnofmer. III. 302. IV. 328.
Mif-pleading, when cured by verdict. III. 394.
Mifprifion. IV. 119.
-------------------------- of felony. IV. 121.
-------------------------- treafon. IV. 120.
Miftake. IV. 27.
Mif-ufer. II. 153.
Mitter le droit. II. 325.
-------------------------- l'eftate. II. 324.
Mittimus. IV. 297.
Mixed actions. II. 118.
-------------------------- larceny. IV. 240.
-------------------------- tithes. II. 24.
Modus decimandi. II. 29.
Moerda. IV. 194.
Molliter manus impofuit. III. 121.
Monarchy. I. 40.
Money. I. 276.
-------------------------- bills. I. 170. 183. 184.
-------------------------- counterfeiting. IV. 84. 88.
-------------------------- received to another's ufe, action for. III. 162.
Monk. I. 132.
Monopolies. IV. 159. 429.
-------------------------- , ftay of fuits therein. IV. 115.
Monfters. II. 246.
Monftrans de droit. III. 256.
Mont. II. 141.
Monuments. II. 428.
Mort d'anceftor, afufe of. III. 185.
Mortgage. II. 157. IV. 435.
-------------------------- , how confidered in equity. III. 435.
Mortmain. I.479. II. 268. IV. 108. 417. 419. 434.
Mortuaries. II. 425.
Mortuo vadio, eftate in. II. 157.
Mother-church. I. 112.
Motion in court. III. 304.
Moveables. II. 384.
-------------------------- , property in. II. 5.
Mount, or bank. I. 326.
Mountebanks. IV. 168.
Mulier puifne. II. 248.
Multiplieity of laws, its original. III. 325.
Municipal law. I. 44.
Murder. IV. 194.
-------------------------- , by perjury, IV. 138. 196.
-------------------------- , conviction of. IV. i.
.-------------------------- , indictment of. IV. II.
-------------------------- , when pardonable. IV. 194. 393.
Murdrum. III. 321. IV. 195.
Muta canum. II. 427.
Mute, ftanding. IV. 319.
-------------------------- , advifing it. IV. 126.
Mutilation. I. 130. III. 121. IV. 207.
-------------------------- , punifhment by. IV. 370.
Mutiny-act. I. 414.
Mutual debts. III. 305.

            L l l 2         National
. P-24.
I N D E X.


National debt. I. 325. IV. 433.
Nations, law of. i. 43. IV. 66.
Nativi. II. 94.
Natural liberty. I. 125.
-------------------------- life. I. 133. II. 121.
-------------------------- perfons. I. 123.
Natural born fubjects. I. 366. 371.
Naturalization. I. 374. II. 250.
Nature, crime againft. IV. 215.
-------------------------- , guardian by. I. 401.
-------------------------- , law of. i. 39.
Navigation acts. I. 417. IV. 432.
Navy, articles of. I. 420.
Ne admittas, writ of. III. 248.
-------------------------- exeat regnum. I. 137. 266. IV. 122.
-------------------------- injuftice vexes, writ of. III. 234.
Neceffity. IV. 27.
-------------------------- , homicide by. IV. 178.
Negative in corporations. I. 478.
-------------------------- of the king. I. 154.
Neglect of duty, action for. III. 163.
Negligence of officers. IV. 140.
Negligent efcape. III. 415. IV. 130.
Negro. I. 127. 425. II. 402.
Neife. II. 94.
Nembda. III. 350.
New affignment. III. 311.
-------------------------- trial. III. 387. IV. 355. 431.
News, falfe. IV. 149.
Next of kin. II. 224x
Night, in burglary, what. IV. 224.
Nightwalkers. IV. 289.
Nihil dicit, judgment by. III. 296. 397.
-------------------------- , return of, to writs. III. 282. xiv.
Nil debet, plea of. III. 305.
Nifi prius, courts of. III. 57.
-------------------------- , juftices of. III. 59. IV. 266.
-------------------------- , trial at. III. 353.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 354. x.
Nobility. I. 396.
-------------------------- , it's ufes. I. 157.
Noeturnal crimes, how prevented or refifted. IV. 180.
Non affumpfit. III. 305.
-------------------------- infra fex annos. III. 308.
-------------------------- compos mentis. I. 304. II. 497. IV. 24. 3888.
-------------------------- cul. IV. 333.
-------------------------- culpabilis, plea of. III. 305. IV. 333.
-------------------------- decimaxdo, prefeription de. II. 31.
-------------------------- eft factum, plea of. III. 305.
-------------------------- eft inventus, return of. III. 283. xiv. xv. xviii.
Non obftante. I. 342. IV. 394.
-------------------------- profequitur. III. 296.
-------------------------- fum informatus, judgment by. III. 397.
Non-claim in fines. II. 354.
-------------------------- of infants. I. 465.
Nonconformity. IV. 51. 425.
Nonjuror. IV. 124.
Non-payment of ecclefiaftical dues. III. 89.
Non-refidence. II. 322.
Nonfuit. III. 296. 316. 376. v.
-------------------------- , judgment as in cafe of. III. 357.
Non-ufer. II. 153.
Northern borders, rapine on. IV. 243.
Northern ***queft. I. 99. IV. 407. 408.
-------------------------- ifles. I. 106.
Nofe, cutting off or flitting. IV. 207. 245.
Noftrils, flitting. Punifhment by. IV. 370.
Not guilty, plea of. III. 305. x. IV. 322. III.
Note of a fine. II. 351. xv.
-------------------------- hand. II. 467.
Notice in ejectment. III. 203. viii.
-------------------------- of trial. III. 357.
Novel diffeifin, affife of. III. 187.
Novels, in the civil law. I. 81.
Nudum pactum. II. 445.
Nul diffeifin, plea of. III. 305. II. xviii.
-------------------------- tiel record. III. 331.
-------------------------- tort, plea of. III. 305.
Nuncupative wills. II. 500.
Nurture, guardian for. I. 461.
Nufance, abatement of. III. 5.
-------------------------- , affife of. III. 220.
-------------------------- , common. IV. 167.
-------------------------- , private. III. 216.


Oath ex offico. III. 101. 447.
-------------------------- of the party. III. 382. 437.
Oaths to the government, refufal or neglect to take them. I. 368. IV. 115. 116. 123.
-------------------------- , voluntary and extrajudicial. IV. 137.
Obedience to parents. I. 452.
Objects of the laws of England. I. 121.
Obligation of human laws. I. 57.
-------------------------- , or bond. II. 340. xiii. III. xix.
Obftructing of procefs. IV. 129.
Occupancy. II. 3. 8. 258. 400.
Odhal right. II. 45.
Odie et atia, writ de. III. 128.
Oeconomy, public, offences againft. IV. 162.

. P-25.
I N D E X.

Office found. III. 259.
-------------------------- , inqueft of. III. 258.
Officers, arrefts by. IV. 289.
-------------------------- , killing them in executing their office. IV. 200.
-------------------------- of courts, their certificates. III. 336.
-------------------------- , refufal to admit. III. 264.
-------------------------- , removal of. III. 264.
Offices. I. 272. II. 36.
-------------------------- and penfions, duty on. I. 325.
Officio, oath ex. III. 101. 447.
Oleron, laws of. i. 417. IV. 416.
Opening counfel. III. 366.
Oppreffions of crown la** remedied. I. 243.
-------------------------- magiftrate. IV. 140.
Option of the archbifhop. I. 381.
Optional writs. III. 274.
Orchards, robbing of. IV. 233.
Ordeal, trial by. IV. 336. 407. 418.
Order of feffions. IV. 269.
Orders, holy. I. 388.
Original contract of king and people. I. 233.
-------------------------- fociety. I. 47.
-------------------------- conveyances. II. 310.
-------------------------- of a deed. II. 296.
-------------------------- procefs. III. 279.
-------------------------- writ. III. 272. vii. xiii.
Orphanage. II. 519.
Oftium erclefiae, dower adminiftration. II. 132.
Overfeers of the poor. I. 359.
Overt act of treafon. IV. 79. 86. 350.
-------------------------- , market. II. 449.
-------------------------- , pound. III. 12.
Oufter of chattels real. III. 198.
-------------------------- freehold. III. 167.
Oufterlemain. II. 68.
Outlawry. I. 142. III. 284. xvi. IV. 314.
Owling. IV. 154.
Oyer. III. 299. xxii.
-------------------------- and terminer, commiffion of. IV. 266. i.
-------------------------- , juftices of, killing them. IV. 84.
Oyex. IV. 334.


Pains and penalties, act to inflict. IV. 256.
Pais, matter in. II. 294.
-------------------------- , trial per. III. 349. IV. 342.
Palace court. III. 76.
Palatine counties. I. 116. IV. 424.
-------------------------- , their courts. III. 78.
Pandects. I. 811.
-------------------------- difcovered. I. 17, 81.
Panel of jurors. III. 354. IV. 299. 344.
Papal encroachments. IV. 114.
Paper book. III. 317.
-------------------------- credit. II. 466. IV. 434.
Papirian code. I. 81.
Papifts, children of. i. 449. 451.
-------------------------- , incapacities of II. 257. 293.
-------------------------- , laws againft. II. 54. 87. 425.
Paramount, lord. II. 59. 91.
Paraphernalia. II. 435.
Paravail, tenant. II. 60.
Parcels in a conveyance. II. i. ii. iv.
Parceners. II. 187.
Parco facto, writ de. III. 146.
Pardon. IV. 331. 369. 389.
-------------------------- not pleadable to impeachment. I. 333. IV. 258. 392. 433.
Pardoning, prerogative of. I. 269. IV. 390.
Parents, &c, their confent to marriage. I. 437.
Pares curtis. II. 54.
-------------------------- , trial per. III. 350.
Parifh. I. 111.
Parifh-clerk. I. 395.
Park. II. 38. 416.
Parliament. I. 141. 147. IV. 405. 418. 421.
-------------------------- , court of the king in. IV. 256. 260.
-------------------------- , difufe of. IV. 430.
-------------------------- of France. I. 147.
-------------------------- , power of. I. 160.
-------------------------- , fummons of. I. 176.
Parliamentum indoctum. I. 176.
Parol conveyances. II. 297.
-------------------------- , demur of. III. 300.
-------------------------- evidence. III. 369.
-------------------------- or pleadings. III. 293.
Parricide. IV. 202.
Parfon. I. 384.
-------------------------- imparfonee. I. 391.
Particular eftate. II. 165.
-------------------------- tenants, alienation by. II. 274.
Parties to a deed. II. 298. ii. iii.
-------------------------- fine. II. 355.
Partition. II. 189.
-------------------------- , deed of. II. 323.
-------------------------- , writ of. II. 189.
Partnerfhip, cognizable in equity. III. 437.

. P-26.
I N D E X.

Pafs-ports. I. 260.
-------------------------- , violation of. IV. 68.
Pafture, common of. II. 32.
Patents. II. 346.
-------------------------- for new inventions. IV. 159.
-------------------------- of peerage. I. 400.
-------------------------- prededence. III. 28.
Patent-rolls. II. 346.
-------------------------- writs. II. 346.
Paterna paternis. II. 235.
Patriam, trial per. III. 349. IV. 342.
Patronage. II. 21.
-------------------------- , difturbance of. III. 242.
Pauper-caufes. III. 400.
Pawns. II. 452.
Payment of deecafed's debts. II. 511.
-------------------------- money into court. III. 304.
Peace and war, right of making. I. 257.
-------------------------- , breach of. IV. 142.
-------------------------- , commiffion of. I. 351. IV. 267.
-------------------------- , ocnfervation of. I. 349.
-------------------------- , juftices of. I. 349. IV. 267. 279. 289. 421.
-------------------------- , conviction by. IV. 278.
-------------------------- , offences againft. IV. 142.
-------------------------- , fecurity for. IV. 248. 251.
-------------------------- , the king's. I . 117. 268. 350.
Peculatus. IV. 122.
Peculiars, court of. III. 65.
Pecuniary caufes, in ecclefiaftical courts. III. 88.
-------------------------- legacies. II. 512.
Peerage, benefit of, in offences. IV. 360.
Peereffes. I. 402.
Peers, great council of. I. 227. 228.
-------------------------- , hereditary counfellors of the crown. I. 227.
-------------------------- , houfe of. III. 53.
-------------------------- , pedigrees of. III. 106.
-------------------------- , privileges of. I. 401. III. 359. IV. 250. 360.
-------------------------- , protefts. of. I . 168.
-------------------------- , proxies of. I. 168.
-------------------------- , trial by. I. 401. IV. 257. 432.
Peine forte et dure. IV. 320.
Penal ftatutes. I. 88. IV. 422.
Penalty of a bond. III. 435.
Penance, commutation of. IV. 105. 217. 273.
-------------------------- for ftanding mute. IV. 320.
-------------------------- in ecclefiaftical courts. IV. 105. 272. 361.
Pendente lite, adminiftration. II. 503.
Penfion, ecclefiaftical. I. 281. II. 40.
-------------------------- from the crown. I. 175.
Penfion from foreign princes. IV. 122.
Penfioners excluded from the houfe of commons. I. 175.
People. I. 366.
Per et eui, writ of entry in. III. 181.
-------------------------- my et per tout, feifin. II. 182.
-------------------------- quod. III. 124.
-------------------------- , writ of entry in. III. 181.
Peremptory challenge. IV. 346. 389.
-------------------------- mandamus. III. 111. 265.
-------------------------- writ. III. 274.
Perfection of the king. I. 246.
Perjury. IV. 136.
-------------------------- in capital cafes. IV. 138. 196.
Permiffive waite. II. 28.
Pernancy of profits. II. 163.
Perpetual curate. I. 393.
Perpetuating the teftimony of witneffes. III. 450.
Perpetuity of the king. I. 249.
Perfecution, religious. IV. 46. 421. 425.
Perfon, injuries to. III. 119.
-------------------------- , larceny from IV. 241.
-------------------------- , offences againft. IV. 177.
Perfonal actions. III. 117.
-------------------------- , where they die with the perfon. III. 302.
-------------------------- affets. II. 510.
-------------------------- chattels. II. 387.
-------------------------- fecurity. I. 129.
-------------------------- things. II. 384.
-------------------------- tithes. II. 24.
Perfonating others in courts, &c. IV. 128.
-------------------------- proprietors of ftock. IV. 246.
Perfons artificial. I. 123. 467.
-------------------------- natural. I. 123.
-------------------------- , rights of. I. 122.
Peter-pence. I.v 106.
Petit jury. III. 351.
-------------------------- larceny. IV. 229.
-------------------------- ferjeanty. II. 81.
-------------------------- feffion. IV. 269.
-------------------------- treafon. IV. 75. 203.
Petition of appeal. III. 454.
-------------------------- bankruptey. II. 480.
-------------------------- right. I. 128. III. 256. IV. 430.
Petitioning, right of. I. 143. IV. 147.
-------------------------- , tumultuous. I. 143. IV. 147.
Petty bag office. III. 49.
-------------------------- conftables. I. 355.
Pews. II. 428.
Phyficians, &c. III. 122. IV. 197.
Piepoudre, court of. III. 32.
Pignus. II. 159.
Pillory. IV. 370.

. P-27.
I N D E X.

Piracy. IV. 71.
Pifcary, common of. II. 34. 39.
Placemen, excluded from the houfe of commons. I. 175. IV. 433.
Plagiarii. IV. 219.
Plague, irregularity during. IV. 161.
Plaint. III. 25.
Plantations. I. 106.
-------------------------- , deftroying of IV. 245.
Plants, ftealing of. IV. 233.
Plea, at law. II. xvii. III. 301. x. xxii.
-------------------------- in bar of execution. IV. 389. v.
-------------------------- equity. III. 446.
-------------------------- to indietment. IV. 326. iii.
Pleadings. III. 293. IV. 420.
Pleas of the crown. III. 40. IV. 2. 417.
Pleafure of the king, how underftood. IV. 121.
Plebifcita. I. 80.
Pledge. II. 452.
-------------------------- , eftates in. II. 157.
Pledges of appearance. III. 280. vii. xiii.
-------------------------- battle. III. iv.
-------------------------- profecution. II. xiv. xvii. III. 275. III. i. iii. vii. viii. xiii.
Plegii de profequende in replevin. III. 147.
-------------------------- retorne babendo. III. 147.
-------------------------- retorne habendo. III. 147.
Plena probation. III. 371.
Plenarty. III. 243.
Plenum dominium. II. 312.
Plough-bote. II. 35.
Pluries babcas corpus. III. 135.
-------------------------- writ. III. 283. xv. IV. 314.
Pocket-fheriffs. I. 342.
Poifoning. IV. 196.
Police, offences againft. IV. 162.
Policies of infurance. II. 460. IV. 434.
-------------------------- , court of. III. 74.
Political liberty. I. 125.
Poll, deed. II. 296.
Polls, challenge to. III. 361. IV. 346.
Polygamy. I. 436. IV. 163.
Pone, writ of. III. 34. 195. 280. ii. xiii.
Poor. I. 359.
Poor-laws. I. 131. 359. IV. 425.
Poors-fettlements. I. 362.
Pope, his authority, how demolifhed. IV. 104. 414. 421. 423.
-------------------------- encroachments. IV. 104. 412. 417. 418.
-------------------------- jurifdiction, defending it. IV. 87. 115.
-------------------------- , reconciliation to. IV. 87.
Popery. IV. 54.
Popifh books, importing or felling. IV. 115.
-------------------------- priefts. IV. 56. 87. 115.
-------------------------- recufants. IV. 55. 124.
-------------------------- feminaries, education in. I. 451. IV. 55. 115.
-------------------------- , maintaining. IV. 115.
Popular actions. II. 437. III. 160.
Portions, method of raifing. II. vii.
Port-reeve. IV. 406.
Ports and havens. I. 264.
Pofitive proof. III. 371.
Poffe comitatus. I. 343.
-------------------------- , neglecting to join. IV. 122.
Poffeffion, actual right of. III. 180.
-------------------------- , apparent right of. III. 177. 179.
-------------------------- eftates in. II. 163.
-------------------------- , naked. II. 195. III. 177.
-------------------------- , property in. II. 389.
-------------------------- , right of. II. 196.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 202. 412. xii.
poffeffory action. II. 198. III. 180.
Poffibilities not affignable. II. 290.
Poft, writ of entry in. III. 182.
Poft-deffeifin, writ of. III. 188.
Poftea. III. 286. xi.
Poft-fine. II. 350.
Pofthumous children. II. 169.
Poft-man, in the exchequer. III. 28.
Poft-office. I. 321.
-------------------------- , mifbehaviour of it's officers. IV. 234.
Pound. III. 12.
Poundage. I. 315. IV. 430.
Pound-breach. III. 146.
Pow-dike, cutting. IV. 243.
Power of the crown. I. 250.
-------------------------- parent. I. 452.
Poyning's law. I. 102, 103.
Praccipe, writ of. III. 274.
-------------------------- in capite, writ of. III. 195.
-------------------------- common recoveries. II. 358. xvii.
-------------------------- fines. II. 350. xiv.
-------------------------- , tenant to. III. 182.
Praemunire. IV. 102. 421.
Practor's edicts. I. 80.
Pre-audience. III. 28.
Prebendary. I. 383.
Precedence. II. 225. 272. III. 105.
-------------------------- , patent of. III. 28.
Precedent conditions. II. 154.
Precept of election to parliament. I. 177.
Pre-contract. I. 434.
Predial tithes. II. 24.
Pre-emption. I. 287. IV. 116. 417. 432.
Pregnancy, plea of. IV. 387.

. P-28.
I N D E X.

Pregnancy, trial of. I. 456. IV. 388.
Premier ferjeant. III. 28.
Premifes of a deed. II. 298. i. ii. iii.
Prerogative. I. 141. 237. 252. IV. 424. 425.
-------------------------- , caufes of it's increafe and decline. IV. 426.
-------------------------- , comparative review of. I. 333. IV. 433.
-------------------------- , contempts againft. IV. 122.
-------------------------- copyrights. II. 410.
-------------------------- court. II. 509. III. 65.
-------------------------- , felonies againft. IV. 98.
-------------------------- , property by. II. 408.
Prefeription. II. 263.
-------------------------- , corporations by. I. 472.
-------------------------- , time of. II. 31.
Prefentation to benefices. I. 389. II. 23.
Prefentative advowfons. II. 22.
Prelentment of copyhold furrenders. II. 369.
-------------------------- offences. IV. 298.
Prefident of the council. I. 230.
Prefs, liberty of. IV. 151.
Preffing of feamen. I. 418.
-------------------------- to death. IV. 323.
Prefumptions. III. 371.
Prefumptive evidence of felony. IV. 352.
-------------------------- heir. II. 208.
Pretended titles, felling or buying. IV. 135.
Pretended and his fons, treafons relating to. IV. 91.
Prevention of crimes. IV. 248.
-------------------------- , homicide for. IV. 180.
Price. II. 446. 454.
Prieft. I. 388.
Primae preces. I.381.
Primary conveyances. II. 310.
Primer fine. II. 350.
-------------------------- felfin. II. 66. 88. IV. 411.
Primogeniture. I. 194. II. 214. IV. 414.
Prince of Wales. I. 225.
Princes of the blood royal. I. 225.
Princefs of Wales, violating her. IV. 81.
-------------------------- royal i. 225.
-------------------------- , violating her. IV. 81.
Principal and acceffory. IV. 34.
-------------------------- challenge. III. 363.
Prior. I. 155.
Priority of debts. II. 511.
Prifage. I. 314.
Prifon, breach of. IV. 130.
Prit. IV. 333.
Private act of parliament. I. 86. II. 344.
-------------------------- nufance. III. 216.
-------------------------- perfons, arreft by. IV. 289.
-------------------------- wrongs. III. 2.
Privately ftealing from the perfon. IV. 141.
Privies to a fine. II. 355.
Privilege. I. 272.
-------------------------- , bill of. III. 289.
-------------------------- from arrefts. III. 289.
-------------------------- of parliament. I. 163.
-------------------------- , writ of. I. 166.
Privileged places. IV. 129.
-------------------------- villenage. II. 98.
Privilegia. I. 46.
Privilegium clericale. IV. 358.
-------------------------- , property proptr. II. 394.
Privy council. I. 229.
-------------------------- counfellor, killing or attempt to kill. I. 232. IV. 100.
-------------------------- feal. II. 347.
-------------------------- fignet. II. 347.
-------------------------- , forging them. IV. 89.
-------------------------- tithes. I. 388.
-------------------------- , commiffion of. III. 69.
Probable prefumption. III. 372.
Probate of will. II. 508.
Procedendo, writ of. I. 353. III. 109.
Procefs, civi. III. 279. xiii.
-------------------------- , criminal. IV. 313.
-------------------------- , obftructing it's execution. IV. 129.
Prochein amy. I. 404.
Proclamations by the king. I. 270. IV. 424.
-------------------------- of a fine. II. 352. xvi.
-------------------------- on attachment in chancery, III. 444.
-------------------------- exigent. III. 284. xvi. IV. 314.
-------------------------- the riot-act. IV. 143.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 284. xvi.
Proctor. III. 25.
Procuration-money. IV. 157.
Prodigals. I. 305.
Profanenfs. IV. 59.
Profert in curia. III. xxii.
Proffeffion religious. I. 133.
Profeffor of the laws, his duty. I. 35.
Profits of courts. I. 289.
Progrefs, royal. IV. 404.
Prohibition, declaration in. III. 113.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 112.
Promifes. III. 157.
Promiffory note. II. 467.
Promulgation of laws. I. 45.
Proofs. III. 368.
-------------------------- in ecclefiaftical courts. III. 100.
Proper feuds. II. 58.
Property. I. 138. II. 1, 2.
. P-29.
I N D E X.

Property, crimes againft. IV. 229.
-------------------------- , injuries to perfonal. III. 144.
-------------------------- real. III. 167.
-------------------------- , right of. II. 197. III. 190.
Prophecies, pretended. IV. 149.
Proprietary governments in America. I. 108.
Proprietate probanda, writ de. III. 148.
Prorogation of parliament. I. 186.
Profecution by the king. I. 268.
-------------------------- , expenfes of. IV. 355.
-------------------------- , malicious. III. 126.
-------------------------- , of offenders. IV. 298.
Protection of children. I. 450.
-------------------------- embaffadors. I. 254.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 289.
Protector. I. 248.
Proteft of bills and notes. II. 468, 469.
-------------------------- lords in parliament.. i. 168.
Proteftant diffenters. IV. 53.
-------------------------- fucceffions. I. 216.
-------------------------- , treafon againft. IV. 90.
Proteftation. III. 311. xxiii.
Province. I. 110.
Provincial conftitutions. I. 82.
-------------------------- governments in America. I. 108.
Proving will in chancery. III. 450.
Provifions, papal. I. 60. IV. 107.
-------------------------- , felling unwholfome. IV. 162.
Provifo, trial by. III. 357.
Provifors, ftatutes againft. IV. 110, &c.
Proxies in the houfe of lords. I. 168.
Puberty, age of. IV. 22.
Public act of parliament. I. 85.
-------------------------- verdict. III. 377. IV. 354.
-------------------------- wrongs. IV. 1.
Publication of depofitions. III. 450.
Pueritia. IV. 22.
Puis darrein continuance, plea. III. 316.
Puifne barons of the exchequer. III. 44.
-------------------------- juftices. III. 40, 41.
Pulling down churches, houfes, &c. IV. 143.
Pulfation. III. 120.
Punifhment. IV. 7.
-------------------------- , capital. IV. 9. 18. 237. 434.
-------------------------- , certainty of. IV. 371.
-------------------------- , end of. IV. 11. 249.
-------------------------- , infliction of. IV. 255.
-------------------------- , meafure of. IV. 12.
-------------------------- , power of. IV. 7.
-------------------------- , feverity of. IV. 16.
Pur auter vie, tenant. II. 120.
Purchafe. I. 215. II. 241.
-------------------------- of writs. III. 273, 274.
Purchafors, firft. II. 220.
Pure villenage. II. 90.
Purgation vulgaris. IV. 336.
Purgation, canonical. III. 342. IV. 361.
-------------------------- , oath of. III. 100. 447.
Purprefture. IV. 167.
Purfuit of remedies. III. 270.
Purveyance. I. 287. IV. 116. 417. 432.
Putting in fear. IV. 242.


Quadruplicatio. III. 310
Qualification for killing game. II. 417. IV. 175.
-------------------------- of electors to parliament. I. 171.
-------------------------- jurors. III. 362.
-------------------------- juftices of the peace. I. 352.
-------------------------- members of parliament. I. 175.
Qualified fees. II. 109.
-------------------------- property. II . 391.
Quantum meruit. III. 161.
-------------------------- valebat. III. 161.
Quare calufum fregit. III. 281.
-------------------------- ejecit infra terminum, writ of. III. 206.
-------------------------- impedit. III. 246.
-------------------------- incumbravit. III. 248.
-------------------------- non admifit, writ of. III. 250.
Quarentine. II. 135.
-------------------------- irregularity in. IV. 162.
Quarrelling in church or church-yard. IV. 145.
Quartering of foldiers. I. 412. 414.
-------------------------- traitors. IV. 92. 370.
Quarter-feffions, court of. IV. 268.
Quarto die poft. III. 278.
Quafhing. III. 303. IV. 315.
Quays. I. 264.
Que eftate. II. 264.
Queen. I. 219.
-------------------------- Anne's bounty. I. 286.
-------------------------- , compaffing or imagining her death. IV. 76.
-------------------------- confort. I. 219.
-------------------------- dowager. I. 224.
-------------------------- gold. I. 221.
-------------------------- , her attorney and folleitor. I. 220. III. 28.
-------------------------- revenue. I. 220, 221.
-------------------------- regnant. I. 219.
-------------------------- , her hufband. I. 224.

          M m m           Queen,
. P-30.
I N D E X.

Queen, violating her. IV. 81.
Queftion, or torture. IV. 320.
Qui tam actions. III. 160. IV. 303.
Quia dominus remifit curiam, writ of right. III. 195.
Quia emptores, ftatute of. II. 91. IV. 419.
Quick with child. IV. 388.
Quiet enjoyment, covenant for. II. x.
Quinto exactus. III. 283. xvi. IV. 314.
Quit-claim. II. xv.
Quit-rents. II. 42.
Quo minus, writ of. III. 45. 286. xix.
Quo warranto, information in nature of. I. 485. III. 263. IV. 307. 434.
-------------------------- ,writ of. III. 262.
Quod ei deforciat, writ of. III. 193.
-------------------------- permittat, writ of. III. 240.
-------------------------- profternere, writ of. III. 221.
Quorum claufe, in commif fions. I. 351.


Rack. IV. 320.
Rack-rent. II. 43.
Rank modus. II. 30.
Ranfom. IV. 372.
Rape, appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- in counties. I. 116.
-------------------------- of women. IV. 210.
Rapina. IV. 241.
Rafure in a deed. II. 308.
Rationabilis parte bonorum, writ de. II. 492.
-------------------------- , writ of right de. III. 194.
Rationabilis dos. II. 134.
Ravifhment of children. III. 141.
-------------------------- ward. III. 141.
-------------------------- wife. III. 139.
Reading of deeds. II. 304.
-------------------------- , on claim of clergy. IV. 360. 434.
Real actions. III. 117.
-------------------------- , affets. II. 244. 302.
-------------------------- , chattels. II. 386.
Compofition for tithes. II. 28.
-------------------------- , things. II. 16.
Reafon of the law. I. 70.
Reafonable part. II. 492. 516. IV. 401. 417.
Rebellion, commiffion of. III. 444.
Rebutter. III. 310.
Recal of fubjects from abroad. I. 266. IV. 122. 160.
Recaption. III. 4. IV. 356.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 150.
Receiving ftolen goods. IV. 132.
Recitals in a deed. II. 298. iv.
Reclaimed animals. II. 391.
Recognizance. II. 341.
-------------------------- for the peace or good behaviour. IV. 249.
-------------------------- in nature of ftatute ftaple. II. 160. 342. IV. 424.
-------------------------- of bail. II. 391. xv.
-------------------------- fine. II. xv. xvi.
Recompenfe in value. II. 358.
Reconciliation to the pope, &c, IV. 87.
Record. I. 69. III. 24. IV. 419.
-------------------------- , affurance by. II. 344.
-------------------------- , court of. III. 24.
-------------------------- , debt of. II. 464.
-------------------------- , imbezzling of. IV. 128.
-------------------------- of actions. II. xviii. III. 317. iii. ix. xxi.
-------------------------- forcible entry or detainer. IV. 148.
-------------------------- riot. IV. 146.
-------------------------- , trial by. III. 330.
-------------------------- , vacating of. IV. 128.
Recordari facias loquelam. III. 34. 195.
Recovery, common. II. 116. 271. 357. xvii. IV. 422.
-------------------------- in value. II. 358. xvii.
Recreant. III. 340. IV. 342.
Rector of a church. I. 384. rectorial tithes. I. 388.
Recufants, popifh. IV. 55. 124.
Recufatio judicis. III. 361.
Reddendum of a deed. II. 299. i. iii.
Re-deffeifin, writ of. III. 188.
Redrefs of injuries. III. 2.
Reference to mafters in chancery. III. 453.
Reformation of religion. IV. 423.
Refufal of a clerk. I. 389.
Regalia, majora et minora. I. 241.
Regard, court of. III. 72.
Regardant, villains. II. 93.
Regent. I. 240.
Regifter of deeds. II. 343.
-------------------------- marriages. IV. 163.
-------------------------- feamen. I. 419.
Regiftrum omnium brevium. III. 183.
Regnant, queen. I. 219.
Regrating. IV. 158.
Rejoinder. III. 310.
-------------------------- in error. III. xxv.
Rehearing. III. 453.
Relation back in bankruptey. II. 486.
-------------------------- forfeiture. IV. 375. 379.
-------------------------- judgments. III. 420, 421.

. P-31.
I N D E X.

Relations private. I. 422.
-------------------------- public. I. 146.
Relative rights and duties. I. 123. 146.
Relator, in informations. III. 264. 427. IV. 304.
Releafe of lands. II. 324. iii.
Relief. II. 56. 65. 87. IV. 411. 413, 414.
Religion, offences againft. IV. 43.
Religious impoftures. IV. 61.
Rem, information in. III. 262.
Remainder in chattels perfonal. II. 398.
-------------------------- of lands. II. 164.
-------------------------- , writ of formedon in. III. 192.
Remedial part of laws. I. 55.
-------------------------- ftatute. I. 86.
Remife. II. xv.
Remitter. III. 19. 189.
Removal of poor. 1. 364.
Rent. II. 41. 57. 299.
-------------------------- charge. II. 42.
-------------------------- , remedy for. III. 6. 206. 231. IV. 434.
-------------------------- feck. II. 42.
-------------------------- fervice. II. 41.
-------------------------- , fubtraction of. III. 230.
Repleader. III. 395.
Replevin. III. 13. 170.
-------------------------- , action of. III. 145.
Replicatio. III. 310.
Replication at law. III. 309. iv. xxiii.
-------------------------- in criminal cafes. IV. 333. v.
-------------------------- equity. III. 448.
Reports by the mafter in chancery. III. 453.
-------------------------- of adjudged cafes. I. 71.
Reprefentation in defcents. II. 217.
-------------------------- of the crown. I. 194. 202.
-------------------------- diftribution. II. 517.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 159.
Reprieve. IV. 387.
Reprifal of goods. III. 4.
Reprifals on foreigners. I. 258.
Republication of will. II. 379. 501.
Repugnant conditions. II. 156.
Reputation. I. 134.
-------------------------- , injuries to. III. 123.
Requefts, court of. I. 230. III. 50.
-------------------------- , for fmall debts. II. 18.
Rere-fiefs. II. 57.
Refcripts of the emperor. I. 58.
Refocus, writ of. III. 146.
Refcue. III. 12. 170. IV. 125. 131.
Refidence. I. 390. 392.
Refidunm of inteftates effects. II. 514.
Refignation. I. 382. 393.
Refiftance. I. 251. IV. 429. 433.
Refpite of jury. III. 354. x.
Refpondeat oufter. III. 303. 396. IV. 332.
Refpondentia. II. 459.
Refponfa prudentum. I. 80.
Reftitution in blood, &c. IV. 385.
-------------------------- of conjugal rights. III. 94.
-------------------------- ftolen goods. IV. 355.
-------------------------- temporalties. I. 380. IV. 414.
-------------------------- , writ of. IV. 188. 356.
Reftoration, A. D. 1660. I. 210. IV. 431.
Reftraining ftatute. I. 87.
-------------------------- of leafes. II. 320. IV. 425.
Refulting ufe. II. 335.
Retainer of debts. II. 511. III. 18.
-------------------------- fervant by another. III. 142.
Retaliation. IV. 12.
Retorno habendo, plegii de. III. 147.
-------------------------- , writ de. III. 150. 413.
Retraxit. III. 296. 395.
Return, falfe or double. I. 180.
-------------------------- , action for. III. 111. 372.
-------------------------- of writs. III. 273.
------------------------- , form of. II. xiv. xvii. xix. III. iii. v. vii. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xix. xxi. xxv. xxvii.
Return-day of writs. III. 275.
Returns of the term. III. 277.
Revealed law. I. 42.
Revenue caufes, cognizance of. III. 428.
-------------------------- , extraordinary. I. 306.
-------------------------- , ordinary. I. 281.
Reverfal de attainder. IV. 383.
-------------------------- judgment. III. 411. xxvi. IV. 383.
-------------------------- outlawry. III. 284. IV. 315. 384.
Reverfion. II. 175.
-------------------------- , it's incidents. II. 176.
Revertendi animus. II. 392.
Reverter, writ of formedon in. III. 192. review, bill of. III. 454.
-------------------------- , commiffion of. III. 67.
Reviling church ordinances. IV. 50.
Revival of perfons hanged. IV. 399.
Reviver, bill of. III. 448.
Revocation of devifes. II. 376.
-------------------------- ufes. II. 335. 339. xi.
-------------------------- will. II. 502.
Revolution, A. D. 1688. I. 211. IV. 433.
Rewards for apprehending offenders. IV. 325.
Ridings. I. 116.
Right clofe, writ of. II. 99. III. 195.
-------------------------- , fccundum conffuetudinem mancrit, writ of. III. 195.

          M m m 2         Right
. P-32.
I N D E X.

Right de Rationabilis parte, writ of. III. 194.
-------------------------- , mere writ of. III. 193.
-------------------------- of advowfons, writ of. III. 243. 250.
-------------------------- dower, writ III. 183.
-------------------------- poffeffion. II. 197.
-------------------------- ward, writ of. III. 141.
-------------------------- patent, writ of. III. 141. i.
-------------------------- , petition of. I. 128. III. 256. IV. 430.
-------------------------- , quia dominus remifit curiam, writ of. III. 195. ii. iii.
-------------------------- fur difclaimer, writ of. III. 233.
Rights. I. 122.
-------------------------- , bill of. I. 128. IV. 433.
-------------------------- of perfons. I. 122.
-------------------------- things. II. 1.
Riot. IV. 125. 142. 146.
Riot-act. IV. 142. 143. 433.
Riotous affemblies, felonious. IV. 142.
Rivers, annoyances in. IV. 167.
-------------------------- , bands of, deftroying. IV. 245.
-------------------------- , fluices on, deftroying. IV. 144.
Robbery. IV. 241.
Roberds-men. IV. 244.
Roguery, incorrigible. IV. 170.
Rogues. IV. 170.
Romney-marfh, laws of. III. 74.
Roots, deftroying of. IV. 245.
-------------------------- , ftealing of. IV. 233.
Rope-dancers. IV. 168.
Routs. IV. 146.
Royal affent. I. 154. 183.
-------------------------- family. I. 219.
Rule of court. III. 304. ix.
Rural dean. I. 383.
-------------------------- deanry. I. 111.
Ryder to a bill. I. 182.


Sabbath-breaking. IV. 60.
Saccularii. IV. 241.
Sacrament, reviling of. IV. 50.
Sacramentum decifionis. III. 342.
Safe-conducts. I. 259.
-------------------------- , violation of. IV. 68.
Saint Martin le grand, court of. III. 80.
Sale. II. 9. 446.
-------------------------- of diftrefs. III. 14.
Salt-duty. I. 321.
Salvage. I. 293.
Sanction of laws. I. 56.
Sanctuary. IV. 326. 358. 429.
Saek, ifland of. I. 106.
Satifdatio. III. 291.
Satisfaction, entry of. on record. IV. 421.
Saxon Laws. IV. 403. 405.
Scale of crimes and punifhments. IV. 18.
Scandal or impertinence in bills in equity. III. 442.
Scandalum magnature. I. 402. III. 123.
Schire-men. I. 398.
Schifm. IV. 52.
Schoolmafter. I. 453.
Sciences auxiliary to the ftudy of the law. I. 33.
Scire facias againft bail. III. 416.
-------------------------- in detinue. III. 413.
-------------------------- to hear errors. III. xxv.
-------------------------- remove an ufurper's clerk. III. 248.
-------------------------- repeal letters patent. III. 261.
-------------------------- revive a judgment. III. 421.
-------------------------- feci. III. xxv.
Scold, common. IV. 169.
Scotland. I. 95. IV. 420.
Scots, or affeffments. III. 74.
-------------------------- peers, their election. I. 168. IV. 116.
Scripture, fcoffing at. IV. 59.
Scutage. I. 309. II. 74.
Se defendendo, homicide. I. 130. IV. 185.
Sea banks, deftroying. IV, 245.
Seal, counterfeiting the king's. IV. 83. 89.
-------------------------- , great. II. 346. III. 47.
-------------------------- of a corporation. I. 475.
-------------------------- , privy. II. 347.
Sealing of deeds. II. 305. iii. xii. xiii.
Seals, their antiquity. II. 305.
Sea-marks. I 264.
-------------------------- , deftroying. I. 294.
Seamen. I. 418.
Seamens' wages. III. 107.
Second furcharge, writ of. III. 239.
Secondary conveyances. II. 324.
-------------------------- ufe. II. 335.
Secretaries of ftate. I. 338
Secta. III. 295. 344.
-------------------------- adminiftration molendinum, &c, writ de. III. 235.
Secunda fuperoneratione, writ de. III. 239.
Securities for money, their true conftruction. III. 439.
Security for good behaviour. IV. 248. 253.
-------------------------- peace. IV. 248. 251.
-------------------------- of perfon. I. 129.
Seduction of women-children. IV. 209.
Seifin. II. 209.
-------------------------- for an inftant. II. 131.
-------------------------- , livery of. II. 311. i.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 412. II. 359. xix.

. P-33.
I N D E X.

Seifing of heriots, &c. III. 15.
Selecti judices. III. 366.
Self-defence. III. 3.
-------------------------- , homicide in. i. 130. IV. 183.
Self-murder. IV. 189.
Semi-plena probation. III. 371.
Senatus-confulta. I. 80. 86.
Senatus-decreta. I. 86.
Sepetennial elections. I. 189. 433.
Sequeftration in chancery III. 444.
-------------------------- of a benefice. III. 418.
Serjeant, antient. III. 28.
-------------------------- at arms, in chancery. III. 444.
-------------------------- law. I. 24. III. 27.
-------------------------- , premier. III. 28.
Serjeanty, grand. II. 73.
-------------------------- petit. II. 81.
Servants. I. 423.
-------------------------- , battery of. III. 142.
-------------------------- embezzling their mafter's goods. IV. 230. 231.
-------------------------- , firing houfes by negligence. I. 431. IV. 222.
-------------------------- , larceny by. IV. 230.
-------------------------- , mafter when anfwerable for. III. 153.
-------------------------- , retainer of. I. 425.
Service, feodal. II. 54.
-------------------------- , heriot. II. 422.
Seffion, great, of Wales. III. 77.
-------------------------- of gaol-delivery. IV. iii.
-------------------------- oyer and terminer. IV. i.
-------------------------- parliament. I. 186, 187.
-------------------------- ,quarter. IV. 268.
Set-off. III. 304. IV. 435.
Settlement, act of. I. 28. 217. IV. 433.
Settlements of the poor. I. 362.
Several fifhery. II. 39.
Severalty, eftates in. II. 179.
Severance of jointure. II. 185.
Severity of punifhment. IV. 16.
Sewers, commiffioners of. III. 73.
Sextons. I. 395.
Shepway, court of. III. 79.
Sheriff. I. 116. 339. IV. 289. 406. 421.
Sheriff's court, in London. III. 80.
-------------------------- tourn. IV. 270. 404. 417.
Shafting ufe. II. 335.
Shipmoney. IV. 430.
Ships in diftrefs, plandering them. I. 294. IV. 234.
-------------------------- , malicioufly deftroying. I. 293. IV. 244.
Shire. I. 116.
Shooting at another. IV. 208.
Shop-books. III. 368, 369.
Shrubs, deftroying of. IV. 245.
-------------------------- , ftealing of. IV. 233.
Shrowd, ftealing of. II. 429. IV. 236.
Si fecerit te fecurum. III. 274. vii.
Signet, privy. II. 347.
Significavit, writ of. III. 102.
Signing of deeds. II. 305. iii. xii. xiii.
Sign-manual. II. 347.
-------------------------- , forging it. IV. 89.
Simllitude of handwriting. IV. 351.
Simony. I. 389. 393. II. 278. IV. 62.
Simple contract, debt by. II. 465.
-------------------------- larceny. IV. 230.
Sine-cure. I. 386.
Single bond. II. 340.
-------------------------- voucher. II. xvii.
sinking-fund. I. 329.
Six clerks in chancery. III. 443.
Slander. III. 123.
Slavery. I. 423.
Slaves. I. 127.
Sledge. IV. 92. 370.
Sluices on rivers, deftroying. IV. 144.
Small debts. Courts for. III. 81. IV. 434.
-------------------------- tithes. I. 388.
Smuggling. I. 317. IV. 155.
Socage. II. 79. IV. 412.
-------------------------- , free and common. II. 79.
-------------------------- , guardian in. i. 461.
-------------------------- , villein. II. 98.
Society, it's nature. I. 47.
Sodomy. IV. 215.
Sodor and Man, bifhopric of. I. 106. 111.
Sokemans. II. 100.
Soldiers. I. 407.
-------------------------- wandering. IV. 163.
Sole corporations. I. 469.
Solicitor. III. 26.
-------------------------- general. III. 27.
Son affault demefne. III. 120. 306.
Sophia, princefs, heirs of her body. I. 216.
Sorcery. IV. 60.
Sovereignty. I. 49.
-------------------------- of the king. I. 241.
Soulfeot. II. 425.
South-fea fund. I. 328.
Speaker of each houfe of parliament. I. 180.
Speaking with profecutor. IV. 357.
Special adminiftration. II. 506.
-------------------------- bail. III. 287. xix.
-------------------------- bailiff. I. 345.
-------------------------- baftardy. I. 454.
-------------------------- cafe. III. 378.

. P-34.
I N D E X.

Special demurrer. III. 315.
-------------------------- jury. III. 357.
-------------------------- matter in evidence. III. 306.
-------------------------- occupant. II. 259.
-------------------------- plea. III. 305.
-------------------------- property. II. 391.
-------------------------- feffion. IV. 269.
-------------------------- ftatute. I. 86.
-------------------------- tail. II. 113.
-------------------------- verdict. III. 377. IV. 354.
-------------------------- warrant. IV. 288.
Specialty, debt by. II. 465.
Specific legacies. II. 512.
-------------------------- relief in equity. III. 438.
Spiriting away men and children. IV. 219.
Spiritual corporations. I. 470.
-------------------------- courts. III. 61.
Spiritualties, guardian of . 380.
Spoliation. III. 91.
Sponfio judicialis. III. 452.
Springing ufes. II. 334.
Squibs. IV. 168.
Stabbing. IV. 193.
Stage-plays. IV. 168.
Stake driven through the body. IV. 190.
Stamp duties. I. 323.
Stamping of deeds. II. 297. III. xii. xiii.
Stamps, forging of. IV. 246.
Standard of weignts and meafures. I. 274. 275. IV. 272.
Stannary courts. III. 80.
Staple commodities. I. 314.
Starchamber, court of. I. 230. IV. 263. 422. 426. 430.
Starrs. II. 342. IV. 263.
Stated damages. III. 435.
Statute. I. 85.
-------------------------- , guardian by. I. 462.
-------------------------- , merchant. II. 160. IV. 421.
-------------------------- , recognizance in nature of. II. 160. 342. IV. 424.
Statutes of a corporation. I. 475.
Stealing an heirefs. IV. 208.
Sterling. I. 278.
Steward. I. 427.
-------------------------- , high, his court, IV. 258.
-------------------------- , in parliament. IV. 257. 260.
-------------------------- of the houfhold, his court. III. 76. ivm 273.
-------------------------- univerfity, his court. IV. 274.
Stint, common without. II. 34. III. 239.
Stipulatio. III. 291.
Stipulation in the admiralty court. III. 108.
Stirpes, diftribution per. II. 517.
-------------------------- , fucceffions in. II. 217.
Stocks for punifhment. IV. 379.
-------------------------- , of defcent, male and female. II. 234.
Stolen goods, receiving, &c. IV. 132.
-------------------------- marriages. IV. 209.
Stoppage. III. 305.
Stores, imbezzling the king's. IV. 101.
Strangers to a fine. II. 356.
Striking in the king's palace, or courts of juftice. IV. 125. 273.
Study of the law, it's difcouragements. I. 31.
-------------------------- ufes. I. 6.
-------------------------- , reftrained in London. I. 24.
-------------------------- , why neglected in the univerfities. I. 16.
Stultifying one's felf. II. 291.
Subjection, civil. IV. 28.
Subinfeudation. II. 91.
Subornation of perjury. IV. 137.
Subpoena ad teftificandum. III. 369.
-------------------------- duces tecum. III. 382.
-------------------------- in equity. III. 445.
-------------------------- , it's original. III. 51.
Subfcription of witneffes. II. 378.
Subfcriptions, unlawful. IV. 117.
Subfequent conditions. II. 154.
-------------------------- evidence. III. 403. 454, 455.
Subfidies, ecclefiaftical. I. 311.
-------------------------- , lay. I. 307. 310. IV. 416.
-------------------------- , on exports and imports. I. 315.
Subtraction of conjugal rights. III. 94.
-------------------------- legacies. III. 98.
-------------------------- rents and fervices. III. 230.
-------------------------- tithes. II. 88. 102.
Succeffion ab inteftato. II. 516.
-------------------------- to goods and chattels. II. 430.
-------------------------- the crown. I. 197. IV. 433.
Suffcrance, eftate at. II. 150.
Suffrage, who intitled to. II. 171.
Suggeftion for prohibition. III. 113.
-------------------------- , profecution by. IV. 305.
Suicide. IV. 189.
Suit and fervice. II. 54.
-------------------------- at law. III. 116.
-------------------------- in equity. III. 442.
-------------------------- , or witneffes. III. 295. II. xviii.
Summary convictions. IV. 277.
Summoners. III. 279. II. xiv. xvii. III. iii. xiii.
Summons. III. 279. v.
-------------------------- before conviction. IV. 279.
-------------------------- to parliament. I. 149, 150.

. P-35.
I N D E X.

Sumptuary law. IV. 170.
Sunday, no juridical day. III. 278. 290.
Superfedeas, writ of. I. 353.
Superfeding commiffions of bankrupt. II. 488.
Superftitious ufes, information of III. 428.
Supplemental bill in equity. III. 448.
Suppletory oath. III. 371.
Sajpplicavit. IV. 250.
Supplies. I. 307.
Supremacy. IV. 423.
-------------------------- , oath of. I. 368.
-------------------------- refufing it. IV. 115.
Supreme magiftrates. I. 146.
-------------------------- power. I. 49. 146.
Surcharge of common. III. 237.
Surplus of inteftates' effects. II. 514.
Sur-rebutter. III. 310.
Sur-rejoinder. III. 310.
Surrender, deed of. II. 326.
-------------------------- of bankrupt. II. 481.
-------------------------- copyholds. II. 365. 368.
Surveyors of highways. I. 357.
Survivorfhip. II. 183. vii.
-------------------------- of things perfonal. II. 399.
Sufpenfion of babeas corpus act. I. 136.
Sus. Per coll. IV. 396.
Swans, ftealing of. IV. 235.
Swearing, profane. IV. 59.
-------------------------- the peace. IV. 252.
Sweinmote, court of. III. 72.
Sycophants. IV. 237.
Syngrapha. II. 296.
Synods. I. 279.


Tail after poffibility of iffue extinct. II. 124.
-------------------------- female. II. 114.
-------------------------- general. II. 113. vi.
-------------------------- male. II. 114.
-------------------------- fpecial. II. 113.
-------------------------- , tenant in. II. 112.
Taking, felonious. IV. 230. 232.
-------------------------- , unlawful. III. 445.
Tale, or count. III. 293.
Tales de circumftantibus. III. 365. xi. IV. 348.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 364.
Talionis lex. IV. 12.
Talliage. I. 310. IV. 412. 419.
Tariff. I. 313.
Taxation by the houfe of commons. I. 169.
Taxes. I. 139. 307. IV. 419. 432.
-------------------------- , their annual amount. I. 331.
Technical words in indictments. IV. 302.
Temporalties of bifhops, their cuftody. I. 282. IV. 414.
-------------------------- reftitution. I. 380. IV. 414.
Tenant. II. 59.
-------------------------- to the praccipe. II. 359. 461.
Tender of amends. III. 16.
-------------------------- iffue. III. 312.
-------------------------- money. III. 303.
-------------------------- oaths. I. 368. IV. 124.
-------------------------- , plea of. III. 303.
Tenement. II. 16. 59.
-------------------------- entailable. II. 113.
Tenemental lands. II. 90.
Tenendum of a deed. II. 298. i.
Tenths, ecclefiaftical. I. 284. IV. 106.
-------------------------- , temporal. I. 308.
Tenure, difturbancd of. III. 242.
Tenures, antient. II. 59.
-------------------------- , modern. II. 78.
Term in law, effoign day of. III. 278.
-------------------------- , firft day of. III. 278.
-------------------------- , original of. III. 275.
-------------------------- , returns of. III. 277.
-------------------------- of years. II. 143. iii. vi. IV. 423.
Terminum qui practeriit, writ of entry ad. III. 183.
Tremor. II. 142.
Terre-tenant. II. 91. 328.
Teft-act. IV. 57. 432.
Teftament. II. 10. 12. 373. 489. 499. IV. 417. 423.
Teftamentry caufes. III. 95.
-------------------------- guardian. I. 462. II. 88.
-------------------------- jurifdiction in equity. III. 437.
-------------------------- fpiritualcourts. III. 97. IV. 414.
Teftamento annexo, adminiftration cum. II. 504.
Teftatum capias. III. 283. xiv.
Tefte of writs. III. 274. append. Paffim. Teftes, proof of will per. II. 508.
-------------------------- , trial per. III. 336.
Theft. IV. 229.
-------------------------- , it's punifhment. IV. 237. 413.
Theft- bote. IV. 133.
Theodofian code. I. 81.
Things perfonal. II. 384.
-------------------------- real. II. 16.
-------------------------- , right of. II. 1.
Threatening letters. IV. 144.

. P-36.
I N D E X.

Threats. III. 120.
-------------------------- of accufation, to extort money. IV. 136.
Timber. II. 281.
-------------------------- trees, ftealing. IV. 233.
Tippling. IV. 64.
Tithes. I. 388. II. 24.
-------------------------- cognizable in equity. III. 437.
-------------------------- of foreft land. III. 48.
-------------------------- , original diftribution of. I. 384.
-------------------------- , fubtraction of. III. 88. 102.
Tithing. I. 113. IV. 404.
Tithingman. I. 114. 406.
Title of acts of parliament. I. 182.
-------------------------- to lands. II. 195.
-------------------------- , pretended, felling or buying. IV. 135.
-------------------------- the crown. I. 190.
-------------------------- things perfonal. II. 400.
Toleration. IV. 52. 53. 433.
Tolt, writ of. III. 34. 195. i.
Tongun, cutting out or difabling. IV. 206, 7.
Tonnage. I. 315. IV. 430.
Tonfura clericalis. IV. 360.
Torts, actions on. III. 117.
Torture. I. 133. IV. 320.
Tourn of the fheriff. IV. 270. 404. 417.
Tout temps prift. III. 303.
Town. I. 114.
Trade, it's progrefs in England. IV. 412. 417. 421. 424. 427. 432.
-------------------------- , offences againft. IV. 154.
-------------------------- , offenfive. IV. 167.
-------------------------- , unlawful exercife of. I. 427. IV. 160.
Tradefmen. I. 406.
-------------------------- , actions againft. III. 164.
Traitors. II. 499. IV. 75.
Tranfitory actions. III. 294.
Tranfportation. I. 137. IV. 364. 370. 394.
-------------------------- , returning from. IV. 131.
Traverfe of indictment. IV. 345.
-------------------------- offices. III. 260.
-------------------------- plea. III. 312.
Treafon, appeal of. IV. 310.
-------------------------- , high. IV. 75. 421.
-------------------------- , mifprifion of. IV. 120
-------------------------- , petit. IV. 75. 203.
-------------------------- , trials in. IV. 345. IV. 433.
Treafurer, lord high. III. 44. 56.
-------------------------- , killing him. IV. 84.
Treafure-trove. I. 295.
-------------------------- , concealment of. I. 296. IV. 121.
Treaties, leagues, and alliances. I. 257.
Trebucker. IV. 169.
Trees, deftroying. IV. 244, 245.
-------------------------- , ftealing. IV. 233.
Trefayle. III. 186.
Trefpafs, cofts in. III. 401.
-------------------------- on lands. III. 208, 209.
-------------------------- the cafe, action of. III. 122.
-------------------------- vi et armit, action of. III. 120, 121. 123.
Trefpaffers ab initio. III. 15.
Trial. III. 330. IV. 336. 407.
-------------------------- , new. III. 387. IV. 355. 431.
Triennial elections. I. 189. 433.
-------------------------- parliaments. I. 153. 430. 432.
Trinity, denial of. IV. 50.
Trinoda neceffitas. I. 263. 357. II. 102.
Triors, lords. IV. 259, 260.
-------------------------- of jurors. III. 263.
Triplicatio. III. 310.
Trithing. I. 116.
Triverbial days. III. 424.
Trover and converfion, acting at III. 151. IV. 356.
Truce, breakers of. IV. 68.
-------------------------- , confervators of. IV. 69.
Trufts. II. 356. v. vi.
-------------------------- , where cognizable. III. 431. 439.
Tub-man, in the exchequer. III. 28.
Tumultuous petitioning. I. 143. IV. 147.
Turbary, common of. II. 34.
Turnips. Ftealing. IV. 233.
Turnpikes, deftroying of. IV. 144.
Tutor. I. 453. 460.
Twelve tables, laws of. I. 80.
Two witneffes, when neceffary. III. 370. IV. 350.
Tyranny. I. 126. 133.

V. U.

Vacancy of the throne. I. 211.
Vacarius, Roger. I. 18.
Vacating records. IV. 128.
Vacations. III. 276.
Vadium mortuum. II. 157.
-------------------------- vivum. II. 157.
Vagabonds. IV. 170.
Vagrants. IV. 170.
-------------------------- , harbouring them. IV. 170.
Valor beneficiorum. I. 284.
-------------------------- maritagii. II. 70.
Valuable confideration. II. 297.
Valvafors. I. 403.
Vafal. II. 53.
. P-37.
I N D E X.

Ubiquity of the king. I. 270.
Udal right. II. 45.
Venary, beafts of. II. 415.
Venire facias, writ of. III. 352. vi. x. IV. 313. 344. iii.
Ventre infpiciendo, writ de. I. 456.
Venue. III. 294.
-------------------------- , when changed. III. 294. 384.
Verberation. III. 120.
Verderors. III. 71, 72.
Verdict. III. 377. vi. xi. IV. 354. iii. v.
-------------------------- , falfe. III. 402. IV. 140.
Verge of the court. III. 76.
Vert, benifon, and covert, injuries to. III. 71.
Vefted legacy. II. 513.
-------------------------- remainder. II. 168.
Vetitum namium. III. 148.
Vicar. I. 387.
Vicarages, when efftablifhed. I. 387. IV. 421.
Vicarial tithes. I. 388.
Vice-admiralty courts. III. 69.
Vicinage, common becaufe of. II. 33.
Vicineto, jury de. III. 383.
Vicontiel writs. III. 238.
Vidames. I. 403.
View by jurors. III. 298. 358.
-------------------------- of frankpledge. IV. 270.
Vill. I. 114.
Villein. II. 92. IV. 413.
-------------------------- in grofs. II. 93.
-------------------------- regardant. II. 93.
-------------------------- fervices. II. 61.
-------------------------- focage. II. 98.
Villenage. II. 90. 92.
-------------------------- , privileged. II. 98.
-------------------------- , pure. II. 90.
Villenous judgment. IV. 136.
Vinculo matrimonii, divorce a. III. 94.
Viner, Mr, his inftitution. I. 27.
Violating the queen, &c. IV. 81.
Violent prefumption. III. 371.
Virge, tenant by. II. 148.
Virgin Mary, a civilian and canonift. I. 21.
Vifcount. I. 399.
Vifitation books of heralds. III. 105.
Vifitor. I. 479.
-------------------------- of civil corporations. I. 481.
-------------------------- colleges. I. 482.
Vifne. III. 294. IV. 344.
Vivo vadio, eftate in. II. 157.
Umpire. III. 16.
Unanimity of juries. III. 376. IV. 407.
Uncertainty of the law. III. 325.
Uncore prift. III. 303.
Underfheriff. I. 345.
Underwood, ftealing. II. 233.
Union, articles of. I. 96.
-------------------------- of Great Britain. I. 93. IV. 420. 433.
Unities of joint eftates. II. 180.
Univerfitates. I. 469.
Univerfity. I. 471.
-------------------------- , burgeffes of. I. 174.
-------------------------- , chancellor of, his certificate. III. 335.
-------------------------- , courts of. III. 83. IV. 274.
-------------------------- , right of, to popifh advowfons. III. 251.
-------------------------- , ftudy of the law in. i. 26.
Unknown perfons, larceny from. IV. 236.
Voir dire, oath of. III. 332.
Voluntary efcape. III. 415. IV. 130.
-------------------------- jurifdiction. III. 66.
-------------------------- manflaughter. IV. 191.
-------------------------- oaths. IV. 137.
-------------------------- wafte. II. 281.
Vouchee, in recoveries. II. 358. xviii.
Voucher. III. 299.
-------------------------- in recoveries. II. 358. xviii.
Ufes. II. 137. 271. 327. IV. 420. 422. 423.
-------------------------- , covenant to ftand feifed to. II. 338.
-------------------------- , deeds to lead or declare. II. 339. 363. ix. x.
-------------------------- , ftatute of. II. 332. IV. 423.
Ufurpation of advowfons. III. 243.
-------------------------- franchifes or offices. III. 262.
Ufura maritime. II. 459.
Ufury. II. 455. IV. 115. 156.
Ufus-fructus. II. 327.
Uterinus frater. II. 232.
Uttering falfe money. IV. 89. 99.
Vulgaris purgation. IV. 336.


Wager of battel. III. 337. 339. III. IV. 340. 411. 414. 417.
-------------------------- law. III. 341. IV. 407. 417.
Wagering policies. II. 461.
Wages of members of parliament. I. 174.
-------------------------- fervants. I. 428.
Waifs. I. 296.
Wales. I. 93. IV. 420. 424.
-------------------------- , courts of. III. 77.
-------------------------- , part of England. I. 99.
-------------------------- , prince of. I. 225.
-------------------------- , compaffing and imagining his death. IV. 76.

Vol. IV.           N n n         Wales,
. P-38.
I N D E X.

Wales, princefs of. I. 225.
-------------------------- , violating her. IV. 81.
Wandering foldiers and mariners. IV. 165.
Want. IV. 31.
Wapentakes. I. 115.
War and peace, right of makint. I. 257.
-------------------------- , articles of. I. 415.
-------------------------- , levying, againft the king. IV. 81.
Ward by conftables, &c. I. 356. IV. 419.
Wards and liveries, court of. III. 258.
Wardfhip in chivalry. II. 67. IV. 411. 413. 414.
-------------------------- copyholds. II. 97.
-------------------------- focage. II. 88.
Warrant. I. 137. IV. 287.
Warrantia chartae. III. 229.
Warranty of chattels perfonal. II. 452.
-------------------------- goods fold. III. 165.
-------------------------- lands. II. 14. 91.
-------------------------- , writ of. III. 227.
Watch. I. 356. IV. 289. 419.
Water. II. 14. 18.
Water-ordeal. IV. 336.
Ways. II. 35.
-------------------------- and means, committee of. I. 307.
-------------------------- , difturbance of. III. 241.
Weights and meafures. I. 274. IV. 272. 417.
-------------------------- falfe. IV. 157.
Weregild. IV. 188. 308. 406.
Wells, property in. II. 5.
Weft-Saxon-lage. I. 65. IV. 405.
Whales, property of. I. 223.
Wharfs i. 264.
Whipping. IV. 370.
White rents. II. 42.
Whole blood. II. 227.
Widow's chamber. II. 518.
Wife. I. 433.
-------------------------- , battery of. III. 140.
Will, defect of. IV. 20.
-------------------------- , eftates at. II. 145.
-------------------------- , of the lord. II. 95. 147.
-------------------------- , vitious. IV. 21.
Wills and teftaments. II. 10. 12. 373. 489. 499. IV. 417. 423.
Winchefter meafure. I. 274.
Window tax. I. 323.
Wine, adulteration of. IV. 162.
-------------------------- licences. I. 288.
Witchcraft. IV. 60. 429.
Withdrawing form allegiance. IV. 87.
Withernam. III. 129. 148. 413.
Witneffes. III. 369.
-------------------------- for prifoners. IV. 352. 434.
-------------------------- , tampering with. IV. 126.
-------------------------- , their expenfes. III. 369. IV. 355.
-------------------------- , to deeds. II. 307.
-------------------------- wills. II. 501.
-------------------------- , trial by. III. 336.
-------------------------- two, where neceffary. III. 370. IV. 350.
Wittena-gemote. I. 148. IV. 405.
Women, appeals by. IV. 417.
-------------------------- children, ftealing or feduction of. IV. 209.
-------------------------- , guilty of clergyable felonies. IV. 362.
-------------------------- , jury of. III. 362. IV. 388.
Woodmote, court of. III. 71.
Wood-ftealing. IV. 233.
Wool, &c, tranfporting. IV. 154. 421.
Words, action for. III. 400.
-------------------------- , cofts in actions for. III. 400.
-------------------------- , treafonable. IV. 79.
Worthieft of blood. II. 213.
Wounding. III. 121. IV. 216.
Wreck. I. 290. II. 14. III. 106.
Writ. III. 273.
-------------------------- clofe. II. 346.
-------------------------- of election to parliament. I. 177.
-------------------------- peerage. I. 400.
-------------------------- patent. II. 346.
Writs, forms of. III. 51. 183. 273. IV. 420.
Writing of a deed. II. 297.
-------------------------- , treafon by. IV. 80.
Writings, ftealing of. IV. 234.
Written conveyances. II. 297.
-------------------------- evidence. III. 368.
Wrongs. I. 122.
-------------------------- , private. III. 2.
-------------------------- , public. IV. 1.


Year. II. 140.
-------------------------- and day, in appeals of death. IV. 311. 329.
. P-39.
I N D E X.

Year and day, in continual claim. III. 175.
-------------------------- copyhold forfeiture. II. 284.
-------------------------- eftrays. I. 297.
-------------------------- fines. II. 354.
-------------------------- murder. IV. 197.
Year and day, in wrecks. I. 292.
Year, day, and wafte. II. 252. IV. 378.
Yearbooks. I. 72.
Years, eftate for. II. 140.
Yeomen. I. 406.
York, cuftom of. II. 517

T H E E N D.
. P- i.

127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511.