By virtue of the law for securing the unity of Party and State of 1 December 1933 (RGBl I, 1016) I order:
1. The NSDAP and the Hitler Youth Movement, Inc. are to be expunged in the corporation register. The property of these corporations has without liquidation become the property of the NSDAP as a corporation of public law.
2. The land deeds and other public records are to be corrected free of charge on request.
3. Until the decree of the statute of the NSDAP (Article 1, Section 2 of the Law for Securing the Unity of Party and State of 1 December 1933), the previous statute of the National Socialist German Workers' Corporation, Inc., is applicable in this sense to the NSDAP as a corporation of public law.
The National Socialist League of German Physicians, Inc.,ARTICLE 4
1. The components of the NSDAP possess no legal character of their own and no property of their own.
2. The NSDAP forms with its components as a corporation of public law, a unit for the domain of the entire organization, with reference to property rights. Therefore the entire corporation is exclusively obligated and justified as to property rights.
3. The Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP is the Plenipotentiary of the Fuehrer in all legal matters relating to property of the NSDAP. The Plenipotentiary rights include the right to assign sub-powers of attorney generally or for individual matters.
1. The affiliated organizations can possess their own legal character.
2. The affiliated organizations are subject to the financial supervision of the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP.
3. The other legally determined supervisory rights are not touched by the financial supervision of the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP.
All authorities have to assist the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP and his agent in the fulfillment of his duties and to conform with the requests of the Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP, which go to them on the basis of this order.
1. The first enforcement order of 23 March 1934 (Voelkischer Beobachter, Munich edition No. 86 of 27 March 1934 and Berlin edition No. 87 of 28 March 1934) on the law for securing unity of party and state dated 1 December 1933 is abrogated.
2. Likewise all previous orders and regulations contrary to the above enforcement order on the law for securing unity of party and state of 1 December 1933 are abrogated.
1. The Deputy of the Fuehrer issues terms for enforcement and supplementing Articles 2 and 3 of this order. The Reich Treasurer of the NSDAP issues the remaining terms for execution of this order.
2. This law takes effect on the day following its announcement.
Berlin, 29 March 1935
Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV Office of the United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1946 |