Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV
Document No. 2243-PS

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Law relating to Finance Measures in connection with the Police

19 March 1937

The government of the Reich has resolved upon the following law, which is hereby proclaimed:


(1) The following are to become direct officials of the Reich:

1. Officials in organizing posts of the establishment "Reichfuehrer of SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior."

2. Officials of the Security Police [Gestapo and Criminal Police], but not police officials serving in the State Police Administrations for the Criminal Police.

3. Officials of the Civil Police, the Gendarmerie and the police medical and veterinary officers serving therein, professional police instructors and technical officials.

(2) The employees and workers who: serve in the establishment mentioned in paragraph 1. No. 1, serve in the Security Police, the Civil Police, the Gendarmerie and the auxiliary establishments belonging to them, such as schools, hospitals, convalescent homes, supply offices and equipment offices and persons who serve in the State Police Administrations enter into the service of the Reich.

(3) The number of appointments of police administrative officials henceforth remaining dependent on the finances of the districts can be determined by the Reich Minister for Finance in agreement with the Reich Minister of the Interior.


The Reich pays the personal allowances and bears the maintenance expenses of the officials, employees and workers of the Reich mentioned in (1) paragraphs 1 and 2 and the material expenditure of the whole of the State Police but not the personal allowances, maintenance expenses and costs of removal of the Police Administrative officials mentioned in (1) paragraph 3.


(1) The revenues of the State Police are revenues of the Reich.

(2) The only revenues to remain in the districts are those which are still to be booked for the Financial Year 1936, and all revenues from taxes and fines.


(1) The Reich will assume all property dues and rights which are connected with the State Police of the districts, in so far as they are not left to the districts according to 2 and 3. When the law comes into force, the liability of the Reich is also extended to taking over maintenance allowances falling due to persons who were formerly entitled to them.

(2) The Reich also assumes the responsibility, which, according to the instructions regarding the liability of officials, rests with the districts, for damage caused by police administrative officials, who according to (1) remain under the districts. The districts owe compensation to the Reich; their right to make claims against officials is untouched.


The authorities who hitherto represented the districts (exchequer) in matters relating to the police, will now represent the Reich (exchequer) in these matters. The Reich Minister of the Interior can arrange the representation otherwise.


(1) Premises and movable property belonging to the districts will become the property of the Reich if at the time of the proclamation of the law they are being used exclusively or mainly by the State Police or the establishments mentioned in (1) paragraph 2 or are intended for future use by these establishments.

(2) The premises of the Reich and Prussian Ministry of the Interior in Berlin, Unter den Linden 70/72/74, and the premises of the Chief of Police in Berlin which are to be specially indicated in the executive orders, will remain exempt from transference to the Reich.

(3) Due to the transference of property to the Reich, taxes, duties and other fees will not be livied. Cash payments remain out of account.

(4) When this law comes into force, if any premises transferred to the Reich become dispensable or unfit to be employed for the purposes of the Reich police, without replacement being necessary, they are to be offered for use to the district without recompense, in their present state, before further use is made of them.


(1) Where the Reich, the districts or the municipalities (municipal unions) have placed officials, employees and workers or property at the disposal of the State Police or of the establishments mentioned in (1) paragraph 2, or have carried out service transactions, no change will occur until a further ruling is made by the Reich Minister of the Interior. The same applies in cases where the State Police or the establishments mentioned in (1) paragraph 2 have placed their official employees and workers or property at the disposal of other authorities or have carried out service transactions, which have no connection with police duties.

(2) No further compensations than hitherto may be claimed for the services mentioned in paragraph 1.


The municipalities will pay their contribution to the Reich for the State Police according to the regulations hitherto in existence. The total contribution paid by the municipalities of a district during the Financial Year 1936 may not be exceeded. A special ruling may occur in cases of state control or regional change. The contributions of the municipalities can be reckoned on the shares in the Reich revenue remittances of the district.


The shares of a district in the Reich revenue remittances are for each Financial Year, first of all for the Financial Year 1937, reduced by the balance between the expenditure and the revenues (deficit) of its police, who, by this law are taken over on the Reich budget. The deficit is calculated on the basis of the budget of the district for the Financial Year 1936. If a greater deficit should be evident in the average of the Financial Years 1925 to 1934, this deficit is the standard. The REich Minister for Finance fixes the sum to be reduced.


The districts must place at the disposal of the Reich the remaining expenses carried over into the Financial Year 1936 and not yet paid out at the end of that year. The districts must also place at the disposal of the reich the additional sums not yet paid out at the end of the Financial Year 1936, which are made over by the Reich, and which are extra subsidies towards the material expenditure of the State Police.


The Reich Ministers for Finance and for the Interior will determine whether and how financial compensation is to be carried out if, in the municipaties (municipal unions) municipal, uniformed police officials are replaced by State Police or if, in the state police administrations, the relative authorities of the State Police and the municipal (remaining) police are ruled otherwise.


For the officials, employees and workers of the State Police or of the establishments mentioned in (1) paragraph 2, who are entering into the direct service of the Reich, the legal and administrative orders of the districts are to be applied temporarily. The Reich Minister for the Interior can make a further ruling in agreement with the Prussian Prime Minister.


In so far as State contracts or other agreements between districts for matters concerning their police are not rendered inapplicable by this law, they will remain in force as Reich legal orders.


The Reich Ministers of the Interior and for Finance will issue the necessary legal and administrative orders for the execution and the completion of this law and will decide upon all questions of doubt arising from the application of this law. If the functions of other ministers are thereby affected their approval is necessary.


This law comes into force on 1st April 1937.

Berlin, 19th March 1937.

The Fuehrer and Chancellor of the Reich
Adolf Hitler

The Reich Minister of the Interior

The Reich Minister for Finance
Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume IV
Office of the United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality
Washington, DC : United States Government Printing Office, 1946

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