(As proposed by the Soviet Delegation)
The Tribunal shall have power to try any person who has in any capacity whatever directed or participated in the preparation or conduct of any or all of the following acts, designs or attempts namely:
a) Aggression against or domination over other nations carried out by the European Axis in violation of the principles of international law and treaties;
b) Atrocities against the civilian population including murder and ill-treatment of civilians, the deportation of civilians to slave labour and other violations of the laws and customs of warfare;
c) Waging war in a manner contrary to the laws and customs of warfare including murder and ill-treatment of prisoners of war, wanton destruction of towns and villages, plunder and other criminal acts ;
and who is therefore personally answerable for the violation of international law, of the laws of humanity and of the dictates of the public conscience, committed in the course of carrying out the said acts, designs or attempts by the forces and authorities whether armed, civilian or otherwise, in the service of any of the European Axis Powers.
Source: International Conference on Military Trials : London, 1945 Report of Robert H. Jackson, United States Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials : London, 1945 International organization and conference series; II European and British Commonwealth 1 Department of State Publication 3080 Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1949 |